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Последний просмотренный: 16 Feb 2025
Last updated: 08 Jul 2022



Анамнез и осмотр

Ключевые диагностические факторы

  • лихорадка
  • кашель
  • одышка
  • нарушение обоняния/вкуса

Другие диагностические факторы

  • головная боль
  • боль в горле
  • ринорея/заложенность носа
  • чихание
  • утомляемость
  • миалгия или артралгия
  • выработка мокроты/отхаркивание
  • ощущение сжатия в груди
  • симптомы поражения ЖКТ
  • головокружение
  • неврологические симптомы
  • глазные симптомы
  • аудио-вестибулярные симптомы
  • боль в груди
  • кровохарканье
  • бронхиальное дыхание
  • тахипноэ
  • тахикардия
  • цианоз
  • влажные хрипы / хрипы при аускультации
  • кожные симптомы
  • поражения слизистой оболочки полости рта
  • симптомы нижних мочевыводящих путей

Факторы риска

  • контакт с вероятным или подтвержденным случаем
  • проживание/работа/путешествие в места с высоким риском передачи
  • пожилой возраст
  • мужской пол
  • этничность
  • проживание в учреждениях длительного ухода
  • Наличие сопутствующих заболеваний
  • ожирение
  • сердечно-сосудистые заболевания
  • диабет
  • хронические респираторные заболевания
  • хроническое заболевание почек
  • хроническое заболевание печени
  • беременность
  • курение
  • злокачественное новообразование
  • цереброваскулярное заболевание
  • расстройства психического здоровья
  • трансплантация паренхиматозных органов или стволовых клеток периферической крови
  • инвалидность
  • деменция
  • иммуносупрессия
  • ВИЧ-инфекция
  • отсутствие физической активности
  • дефекты гемоглобина
  • артериальная гипертензия
  • Нарушения, связанные с употреблением запрещенных веществ
  • дети с определенными основными заболеваниями
  • дефицит витамина D
  • применение ингибиторов протонной помпы
  • аутоиммунное заболевание
  • заболевания щитовидной железы
  • болезнь Паркинсона
  • подагра
  • дислипидемия
  • хирургическое вмешательство
  • группы крови А (ІІ) и В (ІІІ)
  • дисбиоз кишечника
  • факторы окружающей среды

Диагностические исследования

Исследования, которые показаны в первую очередь

  • полимеразная цепная реакция с обратной транскриптазой в режиме реального времени (RT-PCR)
  • пульсоксиметрия
  • Определение газового состава артериальной крови
  • развернутый анализ крови
  • комплексный биохимический анализ крови
  • исследование функции щитовидной железы
  • уровень глюкозы в крови
  • коагулограмма
  • сердечные биомаркеры
  • C-реактивный белок сыворотки
  • определение скорости оседания эритроцитов
  • лактатдегидрогеназа сыворотки
  • уровень интерлейкина (IL) в сыворотке
  • сывороточный прокальцитонин
  • уровень ферритина в сыворотке крови
  • уровень амилоида А в сыворотке крови
  • сывороточная креатинкиназа и миоглобин
  • бактериологическое исследование крови и мокроты
  • рентгенография органов грудной клетки

Исследования, проведение которых нужно рассмотреть

  • компьютерная томография (КТ) органов грудной клетки
  • экспресс-тест для определения антигена
  • серологическое исследование

Неотложные исследования

  • УЗИ легких
  • петлевая изотермическая амплификация с обратной транскрипцией (RT-LAMP)
  • CRISPR-диагностика
  • анализаторы состава выдыхаемого воздуха
  • кальпротектин

Алгоритм лечения



Nicholas J. Beeching, MA, BM BCh, FRCP, FRACP, FFTM RCPS (Glasg), FESCMID, DCH, DTM&H

Consultant and Emeritus Professor of Tropical and Infectious Diseases

Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine



Раскрытие информации

NJB is partially supported by the National Institute of Health Research Health Protection Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at University of Liverpool in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA; formerly Public Health England), in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He is affiliated with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, the Department of Health, or UKHSA.

Tom E. Fletcher, MBE, PhD, MBChB, MRCP, DTM&H

Senior Clinical Lecturer and Defence Consultant in Infectious Diseases

Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine



Раскрытие информации

TEF is a consultant/expert panel member to the World Health Organization, and is funded by the UK Surgeon General, the NHS, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. TEF is partially supported by the National Institute of Health Research Health Protection Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at University of Liverpool in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA; formerly Public Health England), in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He is affiliated with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He has received research grants from the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, and the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST). The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, the Department of Health, or UKHSA.

Robert Fowler, MDCM, MS (Epi), FRCP(C)

H. Barrie Fairley Professor of Critical Care

University Health Network and Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine


Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

University of Toronto


Tory Trauma Program

Sunnybrook Hospital



Раскрытие информации

RF declares that he has no competing interests.


William A. Petri, Jr., MD, PhD


Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health

University of Virginia



Раскрытие информации

WAP declares that he has no competing interests.

Xin Zhang, MD, PhD

Attending Physician

The Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital

Clinical Division and Research Center of Infectious Disease



Раскрытие информации

XZ declares that he has no competing interests.

Ran Nir-Paz, MD

Associate Professor in Medicine

Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center



Раскрытие информации

RNP has received research grants from US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Hebrew University, Rosetrees Trust, and SpeeDx. He is chair of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections (ESGMAC). RNP is a consultant for and has stocks in eDAS Healthcare. He is also chairperson of the Israeli Society for Infectious Diseases guidelines committee.


Adam Mitchell

Section Editor (Infectious Diseases)/Drug Editor, BMJ Best Practice

Раскрытие информации

AM declares that he has no competing interests.

Irene Chiwele

Lead Section Editor, BMJ Best Practice

Раскрытие информации

IC declares that she has no competing interests.

Julie Costello

Comorbidities Editor, BMJ Best Practice

Раскрытие информации

JC declares that she has no competing interests.

Эксперты-консультанты: сопутствующие заболевания

Martyn Patel, BMBcH, FRCP, MA

Consultant, Older People's Medicine

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust



Раскрытие информации

MP is a contributor to the Oxford Textbook of Otolaryngology, Oxford University Press, 2021, having written a chapter about mental capacity law, for which he received no fee. MP is the NHS representative on the board for Norwich Institute for Healthy Ageing (unpaid role). MP has spoken at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare virtual conference in November 2020, for which he received no fee. MP has accepted speaker fees and/or travel expenses to deliver lectures from: University of East Anglia, Leicester University (speaker fees only); Astellas Pharma Ltd (speaker fees and travel expenses). MP has accepted travel expenses from Newton Europe to present a joint project conducted by his main employer (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust) and Newton Europe at the NHS Confederation conference (Manchester 2018).

Andrew Lewington, BSc (Hons), MBBS, MEd, MD, FRCP

Consultant Renal Physician

Honorary Associate Professor

Nephrology Department

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust



Раскрытие информации

AL is Associate Clinical Director of NIHR Leeds In-Vitro Diagnostics Co-operative, Co-Chair of UK Kidney Research Consortium Renal Clinical Study Group, Member of Kidney Research UK Research Grant Committee, Committee Member of NICE Kidney Injury Clinical Guideline Update 2018-20, Committee Member of NICE Diagnostic Assessment for Point of Care Creatinine Testing 2018-19. AL attended the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative Meeting in San Diego 2018 (accommodation expenses); AL was a speaker at the AKI & CRRT Conference in San Diego 2019 (travel and accommodation expenses), the AKI Conference in Coventry 2019 (travel expenses), and the NIHR AKI and Sepsis Meeting in Leeds 2019 (no expenses).

Martin Cowie, MD, MSc, FRCP, FRCP (Ed), FESC, FHFA, FACC

Professor of Cardiology

Imperial College London (Royal Brompton Hospital)



Раскрытие информации

MC is chair of the European Society of Cardiology Digital Health Committee and a trustee of the Atrial Fibrillation Society. He has previously been a non-executive director of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. MC provides consultancy advice to AstraZeneca, Servier, Abbott, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Genomics PLC. MC declares that none of these interests is directly related to topics advised on for this project.

Rachael Evans, MBChB, FRCP (UK), PhD

Associate Professor (Clinical)

University of Leicester

Honorary Consultant Respiratory Physician

Glenfield Hospital



Раскрытие информации

RAE has given lectures for non-promotional industry-led sessions on COPD management, including for GSK and Chiesi for individual payment and travel expenses totalling <£2,000.

Gerry Rayman, MD, FRCP

Consultant Physician and Head of Service

Diabetes and Endocrine Centre and the Diabetes Research Unit

Ipswich Hospitals NHS Trust



Раскрытие информации

GR has been paid for advisory board meetings with the following companies: Safoni Aventis, Abbott Diabetes UK, Lilly Diabetes, Bayer. GR has received lecture fees from Safoni Aventis, Abbott Diabetes UK, Lilly Diabetes, Novonordisk, Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Sotiris Posporelis, MD, MRCPsych

Consultant Liaison Neuropsychiatrist

King’s College Hospital

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

King’s College London



Раскрытие информации

SP declares that he has no competing interests.


BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Matthew Jones for his advice on a section of the stroke comorbidity content.

Matthew Jones, MD, FRCP

Consultant Neurologist

Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre

Salford Royal Foundation Trust

Honorary Senior Lecturer

University of Manchester



Раскрытие информации

AA and MJ declare that they have no competing interests.

Рецензенты: сопутствующие заболевания

Martyn Patel, BMBcH, FRCP, MA

Consultant, Older People's Medicine

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust



Раскрытие информации

MP is a contributor to the Oxford Textbook of Otolaryngology, Oxford University Press, 2021, having written a chapter about mental capacity law, for which he received no fee. MP is the NHS representative on the board for Norwich Institute for Healthy Ageing (unpaid role). MP has spoken at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare virtual conference in November 2020, for which he received no fee. MP has accepted speaker fees and/or travel expenses to deliver lectures from: University of East Anglia, Leicester University (speaker fees only); Astellas Pharma Ltd (speaker fees and travel expenses). MP has accepted travel expenses from Newton Europe to present a joint project conducted by his main employer (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Trust) and Newton Europe at the NHS Confederation conference (Manchester 2018).

Asangaedem Akpan, MPH, FRCP

Consultant Geriatrician

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Visiting Professor

University of Cumbria


Honorary Clinical Associate Professor

University of Liverpool



Раскрытие информации

AA declares that he has no competing interests.

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