
Watch videos on common clinical procedures. Videos include a list of equipment, complications, indications, contraindications and aftercare.

  • Abdominal paracentesis animated demonstration

    Demonstrates how to perform diagnostic and therapeutic abdominal paracentesis.

  • Aortic regurgitation (severe)

    Auscultation sounds: Aortic regurgitation (severe)

  • Aortic stenosis (severe)

    Auscultation sounds: Aortic stenosis (severe)

  • Apraxia of speech

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Aspiration and injection of the knee: animated demonstration

    How to aspirate synovial fluid from the knee and administer intra-articular medication using a medial approach.

  • Aspiration and injection of the shoulder animated demonstration

    How to aspirate synovial fluid from the shoulder and administer intra-articular medication. Video demonstrates a posterior approach to the glenohumeral joint and a lateral approach to the subacromial space.

  • Bag-valve-mask ventilation: animated demonstration

    How to use bag-valve-mask apparatus to deliver ventilatory support to adults. Video demonstrates the two-person technique.

  • Beighton score

    A video demonstration of Beighton score in a hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome patient.

  • Bleeding Mallory Weiss tear

    From the personal collection of Douglas Adler; used with permission

  • Carotid bruit

    Auscultation: Carotid bruit

  • Central venous catheter insertion: animated demonstration

    Ultrasound-guided insertion of a non-tunnelled central venous catheter (CVC) into the right internal jugular vein using the Seldinger insertion technique.

  • Closed reduction of posterolateral dislocation of the elbow

    Closed reduction of posterolateral dislocation of the elbow

  • Compression garments explained

    How to choose suitable compression garments for patients with lymphedema and how to measure a patient's legs for compression garments.

  • Diagnostic lumbar puncture in adults: animated demonstration

    How to perform a diagnostic lumbar puncture in adults. Includes a discussion of patient positioning, choice of needle, and measurement of opening and closing pressure.

  • Dry powder inhalers

    A principal pharmacist shows a patient how to use dry powder devices and discusses ways of improving inhaler technique.

  • Early inspiratory crackles

    Auscultation sounds: Early inspiratory crackles

  • Expiratory wheeze

    Auscultation sounds: Expiratory wheeze

  • Explaining osteoarthritis to patients

    A primary care physician who leads research for Arthritis UK describes how the language used to explain osteoarthritis to patients influences whether or not they seek help.

  • Eyelid opening apraxia

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Female urethral catheterization: animated demonstration

    How to insert a urethral catheter in a female patient using sterile technique.

  • Femoral artery puncture animated demonstration

    How to perform a femoral artery puncture to collect a sample of arterial blood.

  • Fourth heart sound gallop

    Auscultation sounds: Fourth heart sound gallop

  • Hip exam

    An attending physician demonstrates hip exam techniques, including the Trendelenburg test, the modified Thomas test, and Ober test. These tests inspect the lateral alignment, anterior and posterior alignment, gait, active and passive movement, and internal and external rotation of the hip.

  • How to deliver chest compressions for an adult patient

    A paramedic demonstrates how to deliver chest compressions to an adult patient

  • How to deliver mouth to mouth to an adult patient

    A paramedic demonstrates how to deliver mouth to mouth to an adult patient

  • How to examine the ear

    How to perform an examination of the ear.

  • How to examine the nasal cavity

    Video outlining how to perform an examination of the nose and nasal cavity

  • How to perform an ECG: animated demonstration

    How to record an ECG. Demonstrates placement of chest and limb electrodes.

  • Insertion of an anterior nasal pack

    Demonstrates insertion of an inflatable anterior nasal pack and a nasal tampon.

  • Insertion of intercostal drain, open technique: animated demonstration

    How to insert an intercostal (chest) drain using the open technique. Video demonstrates: tube selection, how to identify the site for drain insertion, how to make the correct incision, how to insert the intercostal drain, how to secure the drain, and postprocedure care.

  • Insertion of intercostal drain, Seldinger technique: animated demonstration

    How to insert an intercostal (chest) drain using the Seldinger technique. Video demonstrates: how to identify a safe site for insertion; use of an introducer needle, guidewire, dilators, and intercostal drain; how to confirm drain position; and postprocedure care.

  • Inspection of the back

    How to perform an inspection examination of the back, including inspection of gait and posture

  • Intradermal injection animation demonstration

    Demonstration of injection techniques used to administer local anesthetic, for allergy skin testing, and for tuberculin skin testing.

  • Intramuscular injection animated demonstration

    Demonstration of an intramuscular injection into the ventrogluteal site, using a Z-track technique.

  • Intraosseous access

    Demonstrates how to obtain intraosseous access.

  • Knee exam

    An attending physician demonstrates knee exam techniques, inspecting the biomechanics of the knee and assessing for effusion, wasting, or hypertension. The physician performs tests for the integrity of the medial and lateral collateral ligaments, damage to the cruciate ligaments (Lackman test, Drawer test, Pivot shift test), tests of the patella (patella apprehension test, Clarke test), and tests of the iliotibial band (Ober test).

  • Late inspiratory crackles (rales)

    Auscultation sounds: late inspiratory crackles (rales)

  • Macro square wave jerks

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Male urethral catheterization: animated demonstration

    How to insert a urethral catheter in a male patient using sterile technique.

  • Mallory Weiss tear following cauterization with a bipolar probe

    From the personal collection of Douglas Adler; used with permission

  • Metered dose inhaler

    A principal pharmacist shows a patient how to use a metered dose inhaler and discusses ways of improving inhaler technique.

  • Metered dose inhaler plus spacer

    A principal pharmacist shows a patient how to use a metered dose inhaler plus a spacer and discusses ways of improving inhaler technique.

  • Miscarriage: counseling in bleeding and pain

    A woman who has experienced multiple miscarriages discusses with a doctor how best to counsel patients on experiencing bleeding and pain during pregnancy, including management of expectations.

  • Miscarriage: discussing causal factors

    A woman who has experienced multiple miscarriages discusses with a doctor how best to approach conversations around the cause of miscarriage and the importance of avoiding blame.

  • Miscarriage: experience of miscarriage

    A woman who has experienced multiple miscarriages, including missed miscarriage, shares her personal account.

  • Miscarriage: following up and managing anxiety

    A woman who has experienced multiple miscarriages and a doctor explore the benefits of professional and personal support networks following miscarriage, as well as practical tips on how to manage anxiety induced by miscarriage.

  • Miscarriage: language and approach

    A woman who has experienced multiple miscarriages and a doctor examine the importance of mirroring patient language when discussing miscarriage with affected women.

  • Miscarriage: take home messages

    A woman who has experienced multiple miscarriages and a doctor summarize the importance of open discussions between women affected by miscarriage and their healthcare professionals.

  • Mitral regurgitation (severe)

    Auscultation sounds: Mitral regurgitation (severe)

  • Mitral stenosis (severe)

    Auscultation sounds: Mitral stenosis (severe)

  • Motivational interviewing overview

    A professor of healthcare communication provides an overview of motivational interviewing.

  • Motivational interviewing: smoking cessation part 1

    Demonstration, with a professor of healthcare communication, of conducting a motivational interview with a patient about smoking cessation (part 1 of 2).

  • Motivational interviewing: smoking cessation part 2

    Demonstration, with a professor of healthcare communication, of conducting a motivational interview with a patient about smoking cessation (part 2 of 2).

  • Nasogastric tube insertion animated demonstration

    How to insert a fine bore nasogastric tube for feeding.

  • Nasopharyngeal airway: animated demonstration

    How to select the correct size naspharyngeal airway and insert the airway device safely.

  • Needle decompression of tension pneumothorax: animated demonstration

    How to decompress a tension pneumothorax. Demonstrates insertion of a large-bore intravenous catheter into the fourth intercostal space in an adult.

  • Neurological examination of the back demonstration

    A primary care physician shows how to perform a neurological examination of the back

  • nfa PPA spontaneous speech

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Oropharyngeal airway: animated demonstration

    How to size and insert an oropharygeal airway.

  • Osteoarthritis core treatments

    A primary care physician who leads research for Arthritis UK discusses core treatments for osteoarthritis, including education, advice and support, weight loss, and exercise.

  • Osteoarthritis regular review

    A primary care physician who leads research for Arthritis UK discusses the benefits of ensuring regular reviews of patients with osteoarthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis: benefits of acetaminophen

    A primary care physician who leads research for Arthritis UK discusses the benefits of acetaminophen for patients with hip and knee pain due to osteoarthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis: referral for surgery

    A primary care physician who leads research for Arthritis UK discusses when joint replacement surgery should be offered to patients with osteoarthritis.

  • Parkinson disease neurological assessment

    A neurologist demonstrates how to identify signs of Parkinson disease on clinical examination.

  • Pathophysiology of neutrophilia

    Overview of factors affecting neutrophil maturation, migration, and demargination.

  • Peak flow measurement: animated demonstration

    How to use a peak flow meter to obtain a peak expiratory flow measurement.

  • Peripheral intravascular catheter: animated demonstration

    How to insert a peripheral intravascular catheter into the dorsum of the hand.

  • Physical examination of the back demonstration

    A primary care physician demonstrates how to perform a physical examination of the back

  • Pleural aspiration animated demonstration

    Video demonstrating how to perform a pleural aspiration

  • Pleural rub

    Auscultation sounds: Pleural rub

  • Pocket mask ventilation animated demonstration

    How to use a pocket mask to deliver ventilation breaths to an adult patient.

  • Polyphonic wheeze

    Auscultation sounds: Polyphonic wheeze

  • Postural blood pressure examination

    Demonstration of a standardised method to evaluate a patient for orthostatic hypotension.

  • Practical suturing techniques: animated demonstrations

    Demonstrates interrupted sutures, vertical mattress sutures, horizontal mattress sutures, continuous subcuticular sutures, and continuous sutures.

  • Proning in critical care

    This video describes the role of proning in the management of severe respiratory failure, the indications and contraindications to proning a patient, and the checklists for performing the proning procedure safely.

  • Pulmonary stenosis

    Auscultation sounds: Pulmonary stenosis

  • Radial artery puncture animated demonstration

    How to obtain an arterial blood sample from the radial artery.

  • Slow vertical saccades

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Soft mist inhaler

    A principal pharmacist shows a patient how to use a soft mist inhaler and discusses ways of improving inhaler technique.

  • Spirometry in practice

    A primary care doctor explains how to perform spirometry and how to avoid any pitfalls.

  • Spirometry technique and interpretation

    A guide on how to perform and interpret spirometry, including common pitfalls.

  • Stridor

    Auscultation sounds: Stridor

  • Subcutaneous injection animation demonstration

    Demonstration of subcutaneous injection techniques, including how to identify an appropriate site for injection.

  • Supraglottic airway devices: animated demonstration

    How to size and insert a laryngeal mask airway.

  • Tendency to fall on pull test

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Third heart sound gallop

    Auscultation sounds: Third heart sound gallop

  • Tracheal intubation: animated demonstration

    How to insert a tracheal tube in an adult using a laryngoscope.

  • Venepuncture and phlebotomy: animated demonstration

    How to take a venous blood sample from the antecubital fossa using a vacuum needle.

  • Ventilator emergencies: hypoxia and high airway pressure

    How to deal with hypoxia and increased airway pressure in ventilated patients

  • Vertical supranuclear gaze palsy with demonstration of doll’s head maneuver

    Iankova V, et al; Movement Disorder Society-endorsed PSP Study Group. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Sep;78:200-3; used with permission

  • Wrist examination

    An attending physician demonstrates wrist examination techniques for assessing range of movement, inspecting for synovitis, wasting, squaring at the base of the thumb, and previous surgery for carpal or Guyon canal syndrome.