When viewing this topic in a different language, you may notice some differences in the way the content is structured, but it still reflects the latest evidence-based guidance.

Última revisión: 8 Jan 2025
Última actualización: 24 Oct 2024



Anamnesis y examen

Principales factores de diagnóstico

  • fiebre
  • tos
  • disnea
  • sentido del olfato/gusto alterado

Otros factores de diagnóstico

  • fatiga
  • mialgia o artralgia
  • dolor de garganta
  • cefalea
  • rinorrea o congestión nasal
  • estornudos
  • expectoración
  • dolor de pecho/estrechez
  • malestar general
  • mareos
  • confusión o delirio
  • síntomas gastrointestinales
  • síntomas cutáneos
  • síntomas oculares
  • signos de neumonía o dificultad respiratoria aguda
  • hemoptisis
  • síntomas audio-vestibulares
  • lesiones de la mucosa oral

Factores de riesgo

  • contacto con el caso probable o confirmado
  • residir/trabajar en un lugar con alto riesgo de transmisión
  • edad avanzada
  • sexo masculino
  • grupo étnico
  • residencia en un centro de cuidados a largo plazo
  • presencia de comorbilidades
  • obesidad
  • enfermedad cardiovascular
  • diabetes
  • enfermedad respiratoria crónica
  • enfermedad renal crónica
  • hepatopatía crónica.
  • embarazo
  • tabaquismo
  • neoplasia maligna
  • enfermedad cerebrovascular
  • trastornos de salud mental
  • trasplante de órgano sólido o de células madre
  • discapacidades
  • demencia
  • inmunosupresión
  • Infección por VIH
  • inactividad física
  • trastornos de la hemoglobina
  • hipertensión
  • trastornos por consumo de sustancias
  • niños con ciertas afecciones subyacentes
  • deficiencia de vitamina D
  • uso de inhibidores de la bomba de protones
  • uso de corticosteroides
  • enfermedad autoinmune
  • enfermedad tiroidea
  • Enfermedad de Parkinson
  • gota
  • dislipidemia
  • cirugía
  • grupos sanguíneos A y B
  • Disbiosis intestinal
  • Factores ambientales

Pruebas diagnósticas

Primeras pruebas diagnósticas para solicitar

  • Reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcripción inversa en tiempo real (RT-PCR)
  • prueba rápida de antígenos
  • oximetría de pulso
  • GSA
  • hemograma completo (HC)
  • perfil metabólico completo (PMC)
  • nivel de glucemia
  • cribado de coagulación
  • biomarcadores cardíacos
  • proteína C-reactiva sérica
  • velocidad de sedimentación globular en suero
  • lactato deshidrogenasa en suero
  • procalcitonina sérica
  • nivel de ferritina en suero
  • cultivos de esputo y hemocultivos
  • radiografía de tórax

Pruebas diagnósticas que deben considerarse

  • Tomografía computarizada (TC) de tórax
  • ultrasonido de pulmón
  • serología

Algoritmo de tratamiento


Consejeros especializados

Jennifer M. Hendrick, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

University of Virginia Health System

Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health




JMH declares that she has no competing interests.

Tom E. Fletcher, MBE, PhD, MBChB, MRCP, DTM&H

Senior Clinical Lecturer and Defence Consultant in Infectious Diseases

Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine




TEF is a consultant/expert panel member to the World Health Organization, and is funded by the UK Surgeon General, the NHS, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. TEF is partially supported by the National Institute of Health Research Health Protection Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at University of Liverpool in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA; formerly Public Health England), in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He is affiliated with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He has received research grants from the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, and the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team (UK-PHRST). The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, the Department of Health, or UKHSA.

Robert Fowler, MDCM, MS (Epi), FRCP(C)

H. Barrie Fairley Professor of Critical Care

University Health Network and Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine


Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research

Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

University of Toronto


Tory Trauma Program

Sunnybrook Hospital




RF declares that he has no competing interests.


Dr Jennifer M. Hendrick​, Dr Tom E. Fletcher, and Dr Robert Fowler would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Nicholas J. Beeching, previous contributor to this topic.


NJB is partially supported by the National Institute of Health Research Health Protection Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections at University of Liverpool in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA; formerly Public Health England), in collaboration with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. He is affiliated with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, the Department of Health, or UKHSA.

Revisores por pares

William A. Petri, Jr., MD, PhD


Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health

University of Virginia




WAP declares that he has no competing interests.

Xin Zhang, MD, PhD

Attending Physician

The Fifth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital

Clinical Division and Research Center of Infectious Disease




XZ declares that he has no competing interests.

Ran Nir-Paz, MD

Associate Professor in Medicine

Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center




RNP has received research grants from US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Hebrew University, Rosetrees Trust, and SpeeDx. He is chair of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Study Group for Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections (ESGMAC). RNP is a consultant for and has stocks in eDAS Healthcare. He is also chairperson of the Israeli Society for Infectious Diseases guidelines committee.


Adam Mitchell

Section Editor (Infectious Diseases)/Drug Editor, BMJ Best Practice


AM declares that he has no competing interests.

Irene Chiwele

Lead Section Editor, BMJ Best Practice


IC declares that she has no competing interests.

Julie Costello

Comorbidities Editor, BMJ Best Practice


JC declares that she has no competing interests.

Consejeros especializados: comorbilidades

Martyn Patel, BMBcH, FRCP, MA

Consultant, Older People's Medicine

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust




MP is a contributor to the Oxford Textbook of Otolaryngology, Oxford University Press, 2021, having written a chapter about mental capacity law, for which he received no fee. MP is the NHS representative on the board for Norwich Institute for Healthy Ageing (unpaid role). MP has spoken at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, virtual conference in November 2020 for which he received no fee.

Paul Cockwell, PhD, FRCP

Consultant Nephrologist

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Professor of Nephrology (honorary)

University of Birmingham




PC is immediate past-president and a trustee of UK Kidney Association (UKKA), which is the UK professional organisation that supports healthcare professionals involved in care for, and research, innovation, and education in, kidney disease. UKKA has a broad remit with relationships with multiple partners and includes responsibility for UK Kidney Week, the major educational meeting for UK kidney professionals. PC is medical director for long-term conditions and prevention for NHS Birmingham and Solihull, with responsibilities that include commissioning and transformation of clinical care including areas relevant to the information on chronic kidney disease in the BMJ Best Practice Comorbidity Manager. PC has a non-remunerated research partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim into the epidemiology of chronic kidney disease. PC is author of the BMJ Learning module on chronic kidney disease.

Rajiv Sankaranarayanan, MBBS, FRCP (Lon), FESC, FHFA, PhD

Consultant Cardiologist and Heart Failure Lead

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science and NIHR Research Scholar and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

University of Liverpool




RS has research grants from the British Heart Foundation, the NIHR, NHSX (Transformation Agency), AstraZeneca, Biotronik, and the University of Liverpool. RS has received speaker fees/honoraria and travel reimbursement for conferences from AstraZeneca, Novartis, Vifor, Medtronic, Biotronik, Pfizer, Daaichi Sankyo, Roche, and Boehringer. RS has been appointed to: NHS England GIRFT Clinical Lead; NHS England HF Clinical Lead for Cheshire and Merseyside ICB; NHS England PIFU Pathway Committee for Heart Failure (2021); British Cardiovascular Society Vice President-Elect Digital, Communications and Media Committee; British Society for Heart Failure Board Councillor; Clinical Advisory Board of UK’s patient-led charity Pumping Marvellous (2020); and NHS England HF Expert Group.

Rachael Evans, MBChB, FRCP (UK), PhD

Associate Professor (Clinical)

University of Leicester

Honorary Consultant Respiratory Physician

Glenfield Hospital




RAE has given a lecture for a non-promotional industry-led session on long COVID by Moderna and provided consultancy for a long COVID project for AstraZeneca totalling <£3000. RAE is the Chief Investigator for a long COVID study funded by Genentec Roche by a grant awarded to the University of Leicester.

Gerry Rayman, MD, FRCP

Consultant Physician and Head of Service

Diabetes and Endocrine Centre and the Diabetes Research Unit

Ipswich Hospitals NHS Trust




GR received funding from Menarini in 2023 to attend the European Association for the Study of Diabetes conference. GR undertakes several research projects on behalf of East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust for pharmaceutical companies which are on the NIHR portfolio (he does not receive payment himself for these).

Sotiris Posporelis, MD, MRCPsych

Consultant Liaison Neuropsychiatrist

King’s College Hospital

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

King’s College London




SP declares that he has no competing interests.

Asangaedem Akpan, MPH, FRCP

Consultant Geriatrician

Bunbury Regional Hospital

Western Australia Country Health Service


Western Australia

Visiting Professor

University of Cumbria


Honorary Clinical Associate Professor

University of Liverpool




AA has a limited company that is seeking consultancy work offering reviews of healthcare services, facilitation of workshops, advice/review of publications.

Sanjay Agrawal, MBChB, FRCP

Consultant in Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust




SA is a board member of Action for Smoking for Health (ASH), a healthcare charity related to tobacco control advocacy. SA is the National Specialty Advisor on Tobacco for NHS England and the Special Advisor for Tobacco for the Royal College of Physicians. SA undertakes research on the field of tobacco control but is not chief investigator for any studies at the time of making this declaration nor has he received any money or grants from pharmaceutical companies.

Acknowledgement: Professor Martin Cowie

BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge Professor Martin Cowie for his work on the cardiovascular comorbidity information in the Comorbidities Manager.

Martin Cowie MD, MSc, FRCP, FRCP (Ed), FESC, FHFA, FACC

Professor of Cardiology

Imperial College London (Royal Brompton Hospital)




MC is chair of the European Society of Cardiology Digital Health Committee and a trustee of the Atrial Fibrillation Society. He has previously been a non-executive director of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. MC provides consultancy advice to AstraZeneca, Servier, Abbott, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Genomics PLC. MC declares that none of these interests is directly related to topics advised on for this project.

Acknowledgement: Andrew Lewington

BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Andrew Lewington for his work on the chronic kidney disease information in the Comorbidities Manager.

Andrew Lewington, BSc (Hons), MBBS, MEd, MD, FRCP

Consultant Renal Physician

Honorary Associate Professor

Nephrology Department

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Head of MBChB

School of Medicine

University of Leeds




AL has been the principal applicant/co-applicant for several grants including: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Research - multiplexed AKI biomarker detection with a single molecule biosensor; Leeds Cares - a novel, non-invasive diagnostic approach to assess kidney transplant health through the targeted measurement of biomarkers of kidney injury and immune response in kidney transplant recipients at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Kidney Research Yorkshire - use of enhanced technology to characterise haemodialysis treatment for acute kidney injury (AKI); Bringing It Home - validation of a micro-sampling technique for measuring tacrolimus and creatinine remotely, and to fund a research nurse; British Renal Society - renal function assessment with point of care creatinine in diverse populations (RAPID), and several NIHR grants including on a) Improving the quality of post-discharge care following AKI b) An investigation into the use of remote blood sample collection to reduce health inequalities in patients with mental health disorders c) A comparison of remote blood collection devices: a human factor use study d) Defining the characteristics for a novel automatic device to monitor urine output in catheterised patients e) Leeds Medtech and In-vitro Diagnostic Cooperative Grant Extension f) Surgical MedTech Co-operative for the 2019/20 proof-of-principle funding stream g) A pilot investigation into the use of beta-trace protein for residual renal function estimation in haemodialysis h) Application of functional MRI to improve assessment of chronic kidney disease (AFiRM study) i) SuperResPath-Renal: Quantitative super-resolution technology for a fast, decentralised clinical diagnosis of renal pathologies. AL is the co-author of several manuscripts including on extracorporeal treatments, AKI, kidney function testing prior to contrast-enhanced CT, plasma exchange and glucocorticoids in severe ANCA-associated vasculitis, COVID-19 rapid diagnostics, multimodal image-guided ablation on management of renal cancer in Von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome, and a summary of NICE guidance on CKD. AL is the author of several book chapters on nephrology and AKI. AL has received expenses for accommodation and travel for conferences at which he has given lectures, other than those delivered virtually. AL was a member of the AKI Scientific Program Committee for the ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2020-2021 and Chair of this same committee in 2021-2022.

Acknowledgement: Dr Matthew Jones

BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Matthew Jones for his advice on a section of the stroke comorbidity content.

Matthew Jones, MD, FRCP

Consultant Neurologist

Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences

Northern Care Alliance

Honorary Senior Lecturer

University of Manchester




MJ is the chair of the Association of British Neurologists Education Committee (unpaid position). MJ is a faculty member of an MRCP revision course. MJ has received honoraria from Eisai for educational talks.

Revisores por pares: comorbilidades

Martyn Patel, BMBcH, FRCP, MA

Consultant, Older People's Medicine

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust




MP is a contributor to the Oxford Textbook of Otolaryngology, Oxford University Press, 2021, having written a chapter about mental capacity law, for which he received no fee. MP is the NHS representative on the board for Norwich Institute for Healthy Ageing (unpaid role). MP has spoken at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, virtual conference in November 2020 for which he received no fee.

Asangaedem Akpan, MPH, FRCP

Consultant Geriatrician

Bunbury Regional Hospital

Western Australia Country Health Service


Western Australia

Visiting Professor

University of Cumbria


Honorary Clinical Associate Professor

University of Liverpool




AA has a limited company that is seeking consultancy work offering reviews of healthcare services, facilitation of workshops, advice/review of publications.

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