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Diabetes do tipo 2 em adultos

Última revisão: 28 Sep 2024
Última atualização: 16 Feb 2024



História e exame físico

Principais fatores diagnósticos

  • presença de fatores de risco
  • assintomático
  • polidipsia
  • poliúria
Detalhes completos

Outros fatores diagnósticos

  • infecções por cândida
  • infecções cutâneas
  • infecções do trato urinário
  • fadiga
  • visão turva
  • polifagia
  • perda de peso não intencional
  • parestesias
  • acantose nigricans
Detalhes completos

Fatores de risco

  • idade avançada
  • sobrepeso/obesidade
  • diabetes gestacional
  • hiperglicemia não diabética
  • história familiar de diabetes do tipo 2
  • ascendência não branca
  • síndrome do ovário policístico
  • hipertensão
  • dislipidemia
  • doença cardiovascular
  • estresse
Detalhes completos

Investigações diagnósticas

Primeiras investigações a serem solicitadas

  • glicemia de jejum
  • HbA1c
  • glicemia 2 horas após sobrecarga com ingesta de 75 g de glicose
  • glicemia plasmática aleatória
Detalhes completos

Investigações a serem consideradas

  • perfil lipídico em jejum
  • cetonúria
  • relação entre albumina e creatinina (RAC)
  • creatinina sérica e taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) estimada
  • eletrocardiograma (ECG)
  • índice de pressão tornozelo-braquial (ITB)
  • peptídeo C aleatório
  • testagem de autoanticorpos
  • testes da função hepática
Detalhes completos

Algoritmo de tratamento


no diagnóstico inicial


HbA1C acima da meta: não gestante

HbA1C acima do limite acordado na farmacoterapia inicial ou alterações de risco cardiovascular: não gestante




Surya Rajeev, MBBS, MRCP, MD

Consultant Physician and Clinical Director

Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust



SR has received reimbursement from Novo Nordisk for conferences, and has presented paid lectures.


Dr Surya Rajeev would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Partha Kar, Dr Amar Puttanna, Dr Patrick J. O'Connor and Dr JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen, the previous contributors to this topic.


PK has sat on advisory boards and attended events reimbursed by Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, and Sanofi. AP has received honoraria from Napp, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Lilly-Boehringer Ingelheim, Daiichi-Sankyo, and AstraZeneca for presentation at meetings, conference registration, or participating in advisory boards. PJO receives research funding from the National Institutes of Health on multiple projects and is an author of a number of references cited in this topic. JMS-H is an author of a number of references cited in this topic and is an inventor on a US patent for Disease Treatment Simulation, a simulation-based technology developed without commercial support to educate health providers on chronic disease management in a virtual environment.


Vinod Patel, MD, FRCP, FHEA, MRCGP, DRCOG, MBChB, BSc (Hons), RCPathME

Professor, Diabetes and Clinical Skills

Warwick Medical School

University of Warwick

Hon Consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes, Acute Medicine, Medical Obstetrics

Diabetes and Endocrinology Centre

George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust


Clinical Director for Diabetes West Midlands Clinical Networks & Clinical Senate

NHS England and NHS Improvement - Midlands



VP declares he has worked with most of the large pharmaceutical industry groups over the years with the majority of the work being in education of healthcare professionals in diabetes care. This includes Novo Nordisk, Eli Lily, MSD, BI, Sanofi, Napp, Internis, Takeda, and AZ. VP has been part of advisory board work on occasions. VP has received conference arrangements and lecture fees. VP is a trustee of the charity South Asian Health Foundation.


Price-Evans Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

University of Liverpool

Senior Investigator

National Institute for Health Research


Distinguished Professor

Faculty of Medicine

Aalborg University


Adjunct Professor

Yonsei University


South Korea


GL has acted as a consultant and speaker for BMS/Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Daiichi-Sankyo.

  • Diabetes do tipo 2 em adultos images
  • Diagnósticos diferenciais

    • Hiperglicemia não diabética (pré-diabetes)
    • Diabetes mellitus, tipo 1
    • Diabetes autoimune latente do adulto (LADA)
    Mais Diagnósticos diferenciais
  • Diretrizes

    • Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2022
    • Type 2 diabetes in adults: management
    Mais Diretrizes
  • Folhetos informativos para os pacientes


    Diabetes: what is it?

    Mais Folhetos informativos para os pacientes
  • Calculadoras

    Taxa de filtração glomerular estimada pela equação CKD-EPI

    Mais Calculadoras
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