Be aware of any comorbidity-associated risk for clinical deterioration and severe disease
Monitor your patient with mild or moderate COVID-19 closely and consider the most appropriate setting of care and management.[1159] Take into account comorbidity-associated risk factors for developing severe disease including:[1160]
Age ≥50 years
Cardiac disease
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic lung disease
Chronic kidney disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Chronic liver disease
Mental disorders
Possibly hypertension (evidence is inconsistent).
The World Health Organization (WHO) has a slightly different list, with a higher age limit of ≥60 years.[1159]
The WHO recommends you include pulse oximetry monitoring for your non-hospitalised patient with symptomatic non-severe COVID-19 with risk factors for severe disease, which include the comorbidities listed above.[1159]
Consider discussing your patient with the specialist team managing their long-term condition and/or referring to other healthcare professionals in the multidisciplinary team.
Multidisciplinary collaborative care is recommended for older people with COVID-19 to help ensure all aspects of care (including comorbidities) are adequately addressed.[1159]