
In the US from 2000-2009, the rate of hospitalizations for DKA decreased overall, from 21.9 to 19.5 in 1000 persons with diabetes, but then increased from 2009-2014 to 30.2 in 1000 persons with diabetes.[7] In 2014, rates of hospitalization for DKA were highest among people aged <45 years (44.3 in 1000 persons with diabetes) and decreased with age (5.2 in 1000 persons with diabetes aged 45-64 years; 1.6 in 1000 65-74 years; and 1.4 in 1000 ≥75 years).[7]From 2000-2014, in-hospital mortality rates among people with DKA consistently decreased, from 1.1% to 0.4%.[7] In 2014 in the US, about 207,000 emergency department visits for people aged ≥18 years were for hyperglycemic crises (e.g., DKA, hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state).[8]

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