Images and videos

Diabetic ketoacidosis
Triad of DKA
Adapted with permission from: Kitabchi AE, Wall BM. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Med Clin North Am. 1995;79:9-37
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Diabetic ketoacidosis
Algorithm for the management of potassium and bicarbonate
Modified from: Kitabchi AE, Umpierrez GE, Miles JM, et al. Diabetes Care. 2009,32:1335-43
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Diabetic ketoacidosis
Management of adult DKA. Abbreviations: blood glucose (BG); diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA); hour (h); intravenous (IV); subcutaneous (SC)
Image created BMJ Knowledge Centre based on Gosmanov AR, Gosmanova EO, Dillard-Cannon E. Management of adult diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 2014;7:255-64.
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Diabetic ketoacidosis
Pathogenesis of DKA and HHS; triggers include stress, infection, and insufficient insulin. FFA: free fatty acid; HHS: hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
From: Kitabchi AE, Umpierrez GE, Miles JM, et al. Diabetes Care. 2009,32:1335-43; used with permission
See this image in context in the following section/s:
- Venepuncture and phlebotomy: animated demonstration
How to take a venous blood sample from the antecubital fossa using a vacuum needle.
- How to perform an ECG: animated demonstration
How to record an ECG. Demonstrates placement of chest and limb electrodes.
- Radial artery puncture animated demonstration
How to obtain an arterial blood sample from the radial artery.
- Femoral artery puncture animated demonstration
How to perform a femoral artery puncture to collect a sample of arterial blood.
- Tracheal intubation: animated demonstration
How to insert a tracheal tube in an adult using a laryngoscope.
- Bag-valve-mask ventilation: animated demonstration
How to use bag-valve-mask apparatus to deliver ventilatory support to adults. Video demonstrates the two-person technique.
- Central venous catheter insertion: animated demonstration
Ultrasound-guided insertion of a non-tunnelled central venous catheter (CVC) into the right internal jugular vein using the Seldinger insertion technique.
- Peripheral intravascular catheter: animated demonstration
How to insert a peripheral intravascular catheter into the dorsum of the hand.
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