Last reviewed: 12 Feb 2025
Last updated: 13 Dec 2024
History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- presence of risk factors
- black or Hispanic ancestry
- new pigmented velvety skin lesions in axillary or flexural areas
- lesions distributed on the posterior neck, axillae, vulva, umbilicus, inner thighs, and groin
- weight gain
- generalised distribution
- sudden appearance of multiple seborrhoeic keratoses
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Other diagnostic factors
- age >40 years
- child/young adult
- female sex
- acrochordons (skin tags)
- acral distribution
- pruritus
- mucosal or palmoplantar lesions
- weight loss
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Risk factors
- obesity
- insulin resistance
- positive family history of AN or genetic syndrome
- family history of diabetes mellitus
- malignancy
- medication
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Diagnostic investigations
Investigations to consider
- fasting blood glucose
- fasting blood insulin
- abdominal CT
- skin biopsy
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Treatment algorithm
initial presentation with underlying cause
unresolved despite treatment of underlying cause, or hereditary or idiopathic
David S. Cassarino, MD, PhD
Consultant Dermatopathologist
Southern California Permanente Medical Group
Sunset Medical Center
Los Angeles
DSC declares that he has no competing interests.
Dr David Cassarino would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Laura Westerling for her contribution to this topic. LNW declares that she has no competing interests.
Peer reviewers
Christine Ko, MD
Assistant Professor of Dermatology
Department of Dermatology
Yale University
New Haven
CK declares that she has no competing interests.
John English, MBBS, FRCP
Consultant Dermatologist
Department of Dermatology
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham University Hospitals
JE declares that he has no competing interests.
- Epidermal naevus
- Dowling-Degos disease (reticular pigmented flexural anomaly)
- Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis (of Gougerot and Carteaud)
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