History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- depressed mood
- anhedonia
- functional impairment
Other diagnostic factors
- weight change
- libido changes
- sleep disturbance
- changes in movement
- low energy
- excessive guilt
- poor concentration
- suicidal ideation
- somatic symptoms
- bipolar disorder excluded
- substance abuse/medication side effects excluded
- medical illness excluded
- schizophrenia excluded
Risk factors
- postpartum status
- personal or family history of depressive disorder or suicide
- history of an anxiety disorder, or anxiety symptoms
- adverse childhood experiences
- dementia
- corticosteroid use
- interferon use
- oral contraceptive use
- coexisting medical conditions
- female sex
- comorbid substance use
- personality disorders
- history of violent victimization
- obesity
- older age (≥65 years)
- separated/divorced marital status
Diagnostic tests
1st tests to order
- clinical diagnosis
- metabolic panel
- thyroid function tests
- Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2)
- Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)
- Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
- Geriatric Depression Scale
- Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia
Tests to consider
- 24-hour free cortisol
- vitamin B12
- folic acid
Treatment algorithm
at risk of harm to self or others (psychotic, suicidal, severe psychomotor retardation impeding activities of daily living, catatonia, or severe agitation): nonpregnant
at risk of harm to self or others (psychotic, suicidal, severe psychomotor retardation impeding activities of daily living, catatonia, or severe agitation): pregnant
more severe depression (PHQ score ≥16): nonpregnant
less severe depression (PHQ <16): nonpregnant
treatment-resistant/refractory depression
treatment responsive
recurrent episode
Dean F. MacKinnon, MD
Associate Professor
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
DFM declares that he has no competing interests.
Dr Dean F. MacKinnon would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Roger S. McIntyre, Dr Tonya Fancher, and Dr Richard Kravitz, the previous contributors to this topic.
RSM has received research funds from Stanley Medical Research Institute and National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD). RSM is on the advisory board for AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, France Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen-Ortho, Solvay/Wyeth, Eli Lilly, Organon, Lundbeck, Biovail, Pfizer, Shire, and Schering-Plough. RSM is on the Speakers Bureau for Janssen-Ortho, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Lundbeck, Biovail, and Wyeth. RSM has received research grants from Eli Lilly, Janssen-Ortho, Shire, and AstraZeneca. RSM has received travel funds from Bristol-Myers Squibb. TF declares that she has no competing interests. RK has received research grants from Pfizer on non-depression-related topics.
Peer reviewers
Christopher Dowrick, BA MBChB MSc MD
Emeritus Professor
University of Liverpool
CD has been reimbursed by Novartis for participating in an educational event.
Erin K. Ferenchick, MD
Center for Family and Community Medicine
Columbia University Medical Center
Upper Manhattan
EKF declares that she has no competing interests.
- Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
- Substance-/medication- or medical illness-associated and other depressive disorders
- Bipolar disorder
More DifferentialsGuidelines
- WHO Clinical descriptions and diagnostic requirements for ICD-11 mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders (CDDR)
- Nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments of adults in the acute phase of major depressive disorder
More GuidelinesPatient information
Depression in adults: what is it?
Depression in adults: what treatments work?
More Patient informationCalculators
Geriatric Depression Scale
Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2
More CalculatorsLog in or subscribe to access all of BMJ Best Practice
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