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Alergia alimentar

Última revisão: 12 Feb 2025
Última atualização: 21 May 2024



História e exame físico

Principais fatores diagnósticos

  • presença de fatores de risco
  • ingestão de leite, ovos, nozes, peixe, marisco, trigo ou soja
  • sintomas reprodutíveis
  • rubor, urticária ou angioedema cutâneo
  • espirros, rinorreia ou congestão nasal
  • dispneia, taquipneia, sibilância, tosse ou cianose
  • rouquidão, estridor ou sensação de sufocamento
  • náuseas e vômitos
  • cólica ou distensão abdominal
  • diarreia
  • hiperemia conjuntival ou lacrimejamento
  • edema periorbital
  • início abrupto dos sintomas
  • reação causada por uma pequena quantidade de alimento
  • presença de outras doenças alérgicas
  • edema laríngeo
Detalhes completos

Outros fatores diagnósticos

  • taquicardia ou bradicardia
  • reação exacerbada por exercícios ou esforço físico
  • ingestão de medicamentos ou de bebidas alcoólicas antes da reação
  • arritmia cardíaca
  • hipotensão
Detalhes completos

Fatores de risco

  • história familiar de alergia alimentar
  • dermatite atópica
  • neonatos
  • exposição perinatal a óleo de amendoim
Detalhes completos

Investigações diagnósticas

Primeiras investigações a serem solicitadas

  • imunoensaio da imunoglobulina E (IgE) específica in vitro
  • teste alérgico cutâneo por puntura ("prick test")
Detalhes completos

Investigações a serem consideradas

  • testes de desencadeamento alimentar
  • diagnósticos resolvidos por componentes
Detalhes completos

Novos exames

  • testes de adesivo atópico

Algoritmo de tratamento


reação anafilática

sintomas cutâneos




após a estabilização



A. Wesley Burks, MD
A. Wesley Burks

Curnen Distinguished Professor and Chair

Department of Pediatrics

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill



AWB receives grant support to his institution from the National Institutes of Health and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund; royalties from UpToDate, Elsevier, and Walter Kluwer; consulting honorariums from Astella Pharma Global Development, Allergy Therapeutics (UK) Ltd, DBV Technologies, Kaléo, N-Fold, LLC, ALK-Abelló Inc, and UKKO Inc, as well as Aimmune Therapeutics, Consortia TX Inc, and Prota Therapeutics for his service on their respective scientific advisory boards. AWB owns stock in Allertein and Mastcell Pharmaceuticals. These interests do not directly relate to this topic but are being shared for full disclosure. AWB is an author of several references cited in this topic.

J. Andrew Bird, MD

Associate Professor

Department of Pediatrics

Division of Allergy and Immunology

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center




JAB consults for AllerGenis, Allergy Therapeutics Ltd, Before Brands, DBV Technologies, Genentech, and Novartis. He receives grant funding to his institution from Aimmune, DBV Technologies, Genentech, HIH-NIAD, Novartic, Siolta, and Regeneron. JAB is the author of one reference cited in this topic.


Justin Skripak, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

New York



JS declares that he has no competing interests.

Hugh A. Sampson, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

New York



HAS holds a 4% interest in a biotech company, Allertein Pharmaceuticals LLC, which is developing an engineered recombinant protein vaccine for peanut allergy, and 45% interest in a virtual company, Herbal Springs LLC, that holds a patent application on a herbal product for treating asthma and another for treating food allergy. HAS is an author of several references cited in this topic.

Adam Fox, MA(Hons) Cantab., MSc, MBBS, DCH, FRCPCH, FHEA, Dip. Allergy

Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Allergy

Evelina Children's Hospital

Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust




AF declares that he has no competing interests.

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