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Diarreia do viajante

Última revisão: 22 Sep 2024
Última atualização: 03 Sep 2024



História e exame físico

Principais fatores diagnósticos

  • presença de fatores de risco
  • diarreia (com ou sem tenesmo), cólicas, náuseas e vômitos
  • disenteria (sangue e febre)
  • diarreia persistente por >14 dias
Detalhes completos

Outros fatores diagnósticos

  • diarreia sem doença
Detalhes completos

Fatores de risco

  • viagem para um destino de alto risco
  • idade <30 anos
  • uso de inibidor da bomba de prótons
  • viajantes com residência prévia em um local de alto risco visitando amigos e parentes
  • viagem durante estações quentes e úmidas
  • populações de militares destacados
  • falta de cautela na seleção de alimentos e água
Detalhes completos

Investigações diagnósticas

Primeiras investigações a serem solicitadas

  • coprocultura e sensibilidade
  • diagnóstico molecular de vários patógenos (reação em cadeia da polimerase)
  • antígenos de fezes para protozoários
Detalhes completos

Investigações a serem consideradas

  • exame de ovos e parasitas nas fezes
  • Toxina do Clostridioides difficile nas fezes
  • colonoscopia, endoscopia e biópsia
  • hematologia, química sanguínea, sorologia
Detalhes completos

Algoritmo de tratamento


profilaxia antes da viagem


adultos não gestantes: diarreia leve

adultas não gestantes: diarreia moderada

adultos não gestantes: diarreia grave





Daniel T. Leung, MD, MSc

Associate Professor

Division of Infectious Diseases

University of Utah School of Medicine

Salt Lake City



DTL receives authorship royalties from UpToDate, Inc, for a chapter on travel medicine. DTL is an author of upcoming chapters on traveller's diarrhoea for the US CDC Yellow Book. DTL is the president-elect of the American Committee on Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers' Health - Clinical Group within the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. DTL is an author of some of the references cited in this topic.

Jakrapun Pupaibool, MD, MS

Associate Professor

Division of Infectious Diseases

University of Utah School of Medicine

Salt Lake City



JP declares that he has no competing interests.


Dr Daniel T. Leung and Dr Jakrapun Pupaibool would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Mark Riddle and Professor Gregory Juckett, the previous contributor to this topic.


MR has given talks on the management of traveller's diarrhoea for the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM), the CDC Foundation, the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), and the American College of Preventive Medicine. MR has led the development of guidelines for traveller's diarrhea for the ISTM, the ACG, and the Department of Defense. This work has been unpaid but support for travel has been accepted. MR is employed with Pfizer Inc., and is working on their Lyme disease vaccine programme. While this is not in conflict with traveller’s diarrhoea, Pfizer also makes azithromycin, which is an antibiotic recommended for the treatment of traveller’s diarrhoea. MR does not work in the area of Pfizer that develops, markets, or distributes azithromycin. MR is an author of several references cited in this topic. GJ declares that he has no competing interests.


Andrea Summer, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Medical University of South Carolina




AS declares that she has no competing interests.

Phil Fischer, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

Mayo Clinic




PF is an author of a reference cited in this topic.

  • Diagnósticos diferenciais

    • Intoxicação alimentar
    • Síndrome do intestino irritável
    • deficiência secundária de dissacaridase (ou outra deficiência alimentar)
    Mais Diagnósticos diferenciais
  • Diretrizes

    • CDC Yellow Book 2024: travelers' diarrhea
    • 2017 Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of infectious diarrhea
    Mais Diretrizes
  • Folhetos informativos para os pacientes

    Diarrhoea in adults

    更多 Folhetos informativos para os pacientes
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