History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- presença de fatores de risco
- obscurecimento ou distorção da visão de início súbito
- drusas
- alterações pigmentares maculares
- atrofia geográfica
- neovascularização da coroide
Other diagnostic factors
- perda progressiva da visão em um ou ambos os olhos
- descolamento do epitélio pigmentar fibrovascular (DMRI neovascular)
- formação de cicatriz fibrovascular
- pseudodrusa reticular
Risk factors
- idade mais avançada
- tabagismo
- história familiar da doença
- cirurgia de catarata prévia
Diagnostic tests
1st tests to order
- grelha de Amsler
- tomografia de coerência óptica
- angiotomografia de coerência óptica
Tests to consider
- angiografia fluoresceínica
- angiografia com indocianina verde
- imagem por autofluorescência
Emerging tests
- genotipagem
Treatment algorithm
estágio inicial (Age-Related Eye Disease Study Group [AREDS] 1 e 2)
estágio intermediário (Age-Related Eye Disease Study Group [AREDS] 3)
estágio atrófico avançado (seco) (Age-Related Eye Disease Study Group [AREDS] 4)
estágio exsudativo avançado (úmido) (Age-Related Eye Disease Study Group [AREDS] 4)
Sajjad Mahmood, MA, MB BCHIR, FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmologist and Medical Retina Specialist
Honorary Clinical Lecturer
Division of Pharmacy and Optometry
Faculty of Biology, Medicine, and Health
University of Manchester
SM has consulted on advisory boards for Bayer, Novartis and Roche. He has been a principal investigator on clinical trials conducted by Bayer, Novartis, and Roche. He has received travel grants from Bayer and Novartis.
Mr Sajjad Mahmood would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Leon Charkoudian, Dr Joshua L. Dunaief, and Professor Paul Bishop, the previous contributors to this topic.
LC and JLD declare that they have no competing interests. PB has undertaken research activities and received research grants (from charities and the Medical Research Council) that relate to basic mechanisms underpinning age-related macular degeneration. He is an inventor on a patent for a new treatment for age-related macular degeneration filed by the University of Manchester. He does not believe that any of these activities are competing interests with respect to the content of the topic.
Peer reviewers
Sharon Fekrat, MD
Associate Professor
Vitreoretinal Surgery
Duke University Eye Center
SF declares that she has no competing interests.
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