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Febre reumática

Última revisão: 13 Jan 2025
Última atualização: 10 Apr 2024



História e exame físico

Principais fatores diagnósticos

  • febre
  • dor nas articulações
Detalhes completos

Outros fatores diagnósticos

  • faringite ou escarlatina recente
  • infecção cutânea recente
  • dor torácica
  • dispneia
  • palpitações
  • sopro cardíaco
  • atrito pericárdico
  • sinais de insuficiência cardíaca
  • articulações edemaciadas
  • sono agitado
  • falta de coordenação
  • instabilidade emocional e alterações de personalidade
  • movimentos coreiformes descoordenados e espasmódicos
  • incapacidade de manter a língua estendida
  • mão em ordenha
  • sinal da colher
  • sinal do pronador
  • eritema marginado
  • nódulos subcutâneos
  • gestação ou uso da pílula contraceptiva oral
Detalhes completos

Fatores de risco

  • pobreza
  • áreas residenciais densamente povoadas
  • história familiar de febre reumática
  • correlação com antígeno leucocitário humano (HLA)
  • susceptibilidade genética
  • populações indígenas; aborígenes australianos, asiáticos e habitantes das ilhas do Pacífico
  • antígeno da célula B D8/17 positivo
Detalhes completos

Investigações diagnósticas

Primeiras investigações a serem solicitadas

  • velocidade de hemossedimentação (VHS)
  • proteína C-reativa
  • contagem leucocitária
  • hemoculturas
  • eletrocardiograma
  • radiografia torácica
  • ecocardiograma
  • cultura faríngea
  • teste rápido de antígeno para estreptococos do grupo A
  • sorologia antiestreptocócica
  • teste molecular rápido
Detalhes completos

Algoritmo de tratamento


monoartrite na febre reumática não confirmada


possível febre reumática

febre reumática confirmada


todos os pacientes após tratamento agudo



Liesl Zühlke, MBChB DCH FCPaeds Cert Card (Paeds) MPH FACC FESC MSc PhD

Vice-President South African Medical Research Council - Extramural Research and Internal Portfolio

Director Children's Heart Disease Research Unit

Paediatric Cardiologist, Division of Paediatric Cardiology, Department of Paediatrics

Red Cross Children's Hospital

Cape Heart Institute and Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine

Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Cape Town

Cape Town

South Africa


LZ has been funded by the South African Medical Research Council, NRF, and through the African Research Leader award jointly by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) under the MRC/DFID Concordat agreement. LZ is a board member of the World Heart Federation, the NCD Alliance, and FoodForward South Africa. LZ an author of the UpToDate rheumatic heart disease topic. None of the above are competing interests.

John Lawrenson, null

Head of Clinical Unit

Paediatric Cardiology Service of the Western Cape

Red Cross Children's and Tygerberg Hospital

Stellenbosch University and University of Cape Town

Cape Town

South Africa


JL declares that he has no competing interests.


Professor Liesl Zühlke and Professor John Lawrenson would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Rachel Webb, Dr Andrew C. Steer, and Dr Jonathan Carapetis, previous contributors to this topic.


RW declares that she has no competing interests; she is an active researcher and clinician in acute rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease and is a co-investigator on a (non-industry) grant funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand and gives educational talks and has prepared manuscripts on rheumatic fever solely in capacity as a University of Auckland academic and Paediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist. ACS and JC declare that they have no competing interests.


Salah Zaher, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Pediatric Cardiology

Faculty of Medicine

University of Alexandria


El Shatby Children's Hospital




SZ declares that she has no competing interests.

Nigel Wilson, FRACP

Paediatric Cardiologist/Interventional Cardiologist

Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Services

Green Lane Clinical Services

Starship Children's Hospital


New Zealand


NW declares that he has no competing interests.

Andrea Summer, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Medical University of South Carolina




AS declares that she has no competing interests.

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