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Displasia del desarrollo de la cadera

ბოლო მიმოხილვა: 22 Sep 2024
ბოლო განახლება: 20 Jul 2023



ანამნეზი და გასინჯვა

ძირითადი დიაგნოსტიკური ფაქტორები

  • prueba de Ortolani positiva
  • prueba de Barlow positiva
  • abducción limitada de la cadera
სრული ტექსტი

სხვა დიაგნოსტიკური ფაქტორები

  • posición anormal de la pierna o retraso para gatear o caminar
  • caminar de puntillas (especialmente con un pie)
სრული ტექსტი


  • sexo femenino
  • antecedentes familiares positivos
  • presentación de nalgas
  • deformidad postural
  • espacio intrauterino restringido
  • envoltura incorrecta de las extremidades inferiores
სრული ტექსტი

დიაგნოსტიკური კვლევები

1-ად შესაკვეთი გამოკვლევები

  • ultrasonido de la cadera
  • radiografía de cadera
სრული ტექსტი

მკურნალობის ალგორითმი


<6 meses de edad

6-18 meses de edad

>18 meses a 6 años de edad

>6 años de edad



Ishaan Swarup, MD, FAAOS, FAAP

Assistant Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals

University of California

San Francisco



IS states he has received consulting fees from OrthoPediatrics. He is also the author of a paper cited in this topic.


Dr Ishaan Swarup would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Scott Shipman and Dr Kathleen Moen, previous contributors to this topic.


Alex Gornitzky, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery

University of Michigan

East Lansing



AG declares that he has no competing interests.

Andreas Roposch, MD, MSc, FRCS

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Reader in Clinical Epidemiology and Surgery

UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust




AR declares that he has no competing interests.

Nicholas M. Clarke, ChM, FRCS


Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD)

School of Medicine

University of Southampton




NMC has received honoraria for visiting professorships in North America and also for lectures in respect of congenital hip dysplasia. He is also a founding member of the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, which has received charitable funding.

  • დიფერენციული დიაგნოზები

    • Inmadurez acetabular
    • Deficiencia femoral focal proximal
    • Efectos residuales de artritis séptica
    მეტი დიფერენციული დიაგნოზები
  • გაიდლაინები

    • Evidence-based clinical practice guideline: detection and nonoperative management of pediatric developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants up to six months of age
    • Management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants up to six months of age - intended for use by orthopaedic specialists
    მეტი გაიდლაინები
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