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Enfermedad hepática relacionada con el alcohol

Última revisión: 26 Feb 2025
Última actualización: 10 Dec 2024



Anamnesis y examen

Principales factores de diagnóstico

  • presencia de factores de riesgo
  • dolor abdominal
  • hepatomegalia
  • hematemesis y melena
  • colaterales venosas
  • esplenomegalia
  • masa hepática
  • ictericia
  • eritema palmar
  • telangiectasia cutánea
  • asterixis
Todos los datos

Otros factores de diagnóstico

  • ascitis
  • pérdida de peso
  • aumento de peso
  • desnutrición y consunción
  • anorexia
  • fatiga
  • confusión
  • prurito
  • fiebre
  • náuseas y vómitos
  • acropaquia
  • contractura de Dupuytren
  • inflamación de las piernas
  • agrandamiento de la glándula parótida
  • ginecomastia
  • hipogonadismo
  • demencia
  • neuropatía periférica
Todos los datos

Factores de riesgo

  • consumo prolongado y excesivo de alcohol
  • hepatitis C
  • sexo femenino
  • tabaquismo
  • obesidad
  • edad >65 años
  • etnia hispana
  • predisposición genética
Todos los datos

Pruebas diagnósticas

Primeras pruebas diagnósticas para solicitar

  • aspartato aminotransferasa (AST) sérica, alanina aminotransferasa (ALT)
  • relación aspartato transaminasa (AST)/alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) en suero
  • fosfatasa alcalina en suero
  • bilirrubina sérica
  • albúmina sérica, proteína
  • gamma glutamil transferasa sérica (gamma-GT)
  • hemograma completo (HC)
  • electrolitos, magnesio y fósforo séricos
  • urea y creatinina séricas
  • tiempo de protrombina en suero (TP), INR
  • ecografía hepática
Todos los datos

Pruebas diagnósticas que deben considerarse

  • serología de hepatitis viral
  • hierro, ferritina y transferrina séricos
  • cobre en orina (24 horas)
  • ceruloplasmina sérica
  • anticuerpos antimitocondriales (AAM) séricos
  • anticuerpos antinucleares (ANA) y anticuerpos antimúsculo liso (AML) en suero
  • nivel sérico de alfa-1-antitripsina
  • amoniaco sérico
  • folato sérico
  • pruebas no invasivas de la elasticidad del hígado
  • tomografía computarizada (TC) o resonancia magnética (IRM) de abdomen
  • biopsia hepática
Todos los datos

Pruebas emergentes

  • prueba sérica de transferrina deficiente en carbohidratos
  • aspartato transaminasa (AST) mitocondrial en suero
  • Fosfatidil etanol (PETH)

Algoritmo de tratamiento

En curso

todos los pacientes



Craig McClain, MD
Craig McClain


Chief of Research Affairs

Associate Vice President for Health Affairs/Research

Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Department of Medicine

University of Louisville School of Medicine




CM receives contract research support from the National Institutes of Health, the Veterans Administration, and Target Pharma Solutions.

Luis Marsano, MD
Luis Marsano

Professor and Director of Hepatology

Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Department of Medicine

University of Louisville School of Medicine




LM declares that he has no competing interests.


Dr Craig McClain and Dr Luis Marsano would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Mihir Patel, a previous contributor to this topic.


MP declares that he has no competing interests.

Revisores por pares

Lorenzo Leggio, MD, MSc

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies

Brown University




LL declares that he has no competing interests.

Nancy Reau, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

University of Chicago

Center for Liver Disease




NR declares that she has no competing interests.

Nick Sheron, MD, FRCP

Head of Clinical Hepatology and Senior Lecturer

Division of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity

University of Southampton Medical School

Southampton General Hospital NHS Trust




NS has received research grants from the Medical Research Council (MRC), Wellcome Trust, British Liver Trust, Alcohol Education Research Council, and various other funding bodies. He has undertaken paid consultancy work and received travelling expenses from pharmaceutical companies developing drugs for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease. He has been paid for medico-legal work in the areas of hepatitis C and alcohol-related liver disease. The following memberships and advisory work are unpaid apart from travelling expenses: EU Alcohol Forum, EU Alcohol Marketing Taskforce, Royal College of Physicians Alcohol Committee, Alcohol Health Alliance UK. NS has undertaken advisory and media work for the UK Department of Health, Home Office, Department of Transport, Cross Cabinet Strategy Committee, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Southampton City Council, UK Police, and British Liver Trust, and various other NGOs, local government, and other bodies. NS is an unpaid trustee of the Drinkaware Trust, an independent body set up by the UK Government to use industry resources to reduce alcohol-related harm. The Trust is funded entirely by the alcohol industry, with a board of trustees comprising 5 industry members, 5 members with alcohol-related health expertise, and 3 lay members.

Alastair MacGilchrist, MD, FRCP

Consultant Hepatologist

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh




AM declares that he has no competing interests.

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    • Infección por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC)
    • Infección por virus de la hepatitis A
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