Anamnesis y examen
Principales factores de diagnóstico
- náuseas y vómitos
- hipertensión
- reflejos osteotendinosos aumentados
Otros factores de diagnóstico
- dolor y sensibilidad en el cuadrante superior derecho/epigástrico
- malestar general
- cefalea
- edema
- alteraciones visuales
- ictericia
- sangrado
Factores de riesgo
- raza blanca
- edad materna >35 años
- obesidad
- hipertensión crónica
- diabetes mellitus
- trastornos autoinmunitarios
- migraña
- gestación múltiple
- placentación anormal (p. ej., embarazo molar)
- embarazo previo con preeclampsia con o sin síndrome HELLP
Pruebas diagnósticas
Primeras pruebas diagnósticas para solicitar
- hemograma completo (HC) con diferencial, incluidas plaquetas
- frotis de sangre periférica
- transaminasas hepáticas
- nivel de bilirrubina
- nivel total de lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH) sérica
- aumento del nivel de ácido úrico
- análisis de orina y cociente proteína/creatinina
- tiempo de protrombina (TP)/tiempo de tromboplastina parcial (TTP)
- nivel de fibrinógeno
- ultrasonido fetal
Pruebas diagnósticas que deben considerarse
- nivel de glucosa sérica
- niveles de creatinina sérica y electrolitos
- nivel de antitrombina
- nivel de haptoglobina
- ultrasonido, tomografía computarizada (TC) o imagen por resonancia magnética (IRM) de la parte superior del abdomen materno
- relación entre la lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH) y la aspartato aminotransferasa (AST)
Algoritmo de tratamiento
síndrome HELLP presunto/sospechado
todas las pacientes (HELLP confirmado)
James N. Martin, Jr, MD, FACOG, FAGOS, FAHA, F(H)RCOG
Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Maternal-Fetal Medicine
University of Mississippi Medical Center
JNM Jr is an obstetrician-gynaecologist and maternal-fetal medicine consultant to BlueCross & BlueShield of Mississippi and the Mississippi Perinatal Quality Collaborative. He is co-director of the Mississippi Maternal Mortality Review Committee. He serves on the Global Operations Advisory Group of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and in 2018-9 he chaired the ACOG Presidential Task Force on Pregnancy and Heart Disease. JNM Jr lectures, teaches, researches, and speaks nationally and internationally on the subjects of hypertensive complications of pregnancy, including HELLP syndrome. He is also the lead author and editor of 'The 2015 compendium for HELLP syndrome: from bench to bedside' (Nova Biomedical Publishers). JNM Jr is an author of several references cited in this topic. He has cited his own papers in this topic.
Dr James N. Martin Jr would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Marium G. Holland and Dr Alex C. Vidaeff, the previous contributors to this topic.
MGH declares that she has no competing interests. ACV is an author of a number of references cited in this topic.
Revisores por pares
Jerome Yankowitz, MD
Professor and Director
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City
JY declares that he has no competing interests.
Deirdre Murphy, MD, MRCOG
Professor of Obstetrics
Trinity College
University of Dublin
Consultant Obstetrician
Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital
DM declares that she has no competing interests.
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