Evaluation of food allergies and sensitivities

Last reviewed: 15 Jan 2025
Last updated: 13 Feb 2024




  • Oral allergy syndrome
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Food protein-induced proctocolitis
  • Celiac disease
  • Lactose intolerance
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  • Food-induced anaphylaxis
  • Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
  • Eosinophilic esophagitis
  • Food protein-induced enterocolitis
  • Congenital sucrase isomaltase deficiency
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) reactions
  • Tyramine reactions
  • Sulfite sensitivity
  • Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) allergy (tick borne)
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J. Andrew Bird, MD

Associate Professor

Department of Pediatrics

Division of Allergy and Immunology

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center




JAB has received grant funding from DBV Technologies, FARE, and Aimmune Therapeutics, and he has received advisory board fees from DBV Technologies, FARE, Pharm-Olam International Ltd, Aimmune Therapeutics, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Allergy Therapeutics Ltd, and AllerGenis. He has received speaking fees from Abbott, DBV Technologies, and Aimmune Therapeutics.

A. Wesley Burks, MD
A. Wesley Burks

Curnen Distinguished Professor and Chair

Department of Pediatrics

University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill



AWB receives grant support to his institution from the National Institutes of Health, Food Allergy Research & Education, and Allergen Research Corporation; royalties from UpToDate; consulting honorariums from Aravax, Astella Pharma Global Development, DBV Technologies and N-Fold, LLC, as well as Aimmune Therapeutics, Consortia TX, Inc., Intrommune Therapeutics, and Prota Therapeutics for his service on their respective Scientific Advisory Boards. AWB has consulted for the following companies (which are all now expired): Biomerica, Inc., Evelo Biosciences/Epiva, Genentech, Insys Therapeutics, PPD Development, Sanofi US Services, Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America, LLC, LEK Consulting, LLC, Hycor Biomedical. AWB has received payments for speaking at the Gordon Research Conferences, the Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting, and the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. AWB is a minority stockholder of both Allertein and Mastcell Pharmaceuticals stock. These interests do not directly relate to the article but are being shared for full disclosure. AWB is an author of references cited in this topic.


Dr J. Andrew Bird and Dr A. Wesley Burks would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Alison Church, previous contributor to this topic.


AC declares that she has no competing interests.

Peer reviewers

Aaron Lerner, MD

Head of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Unit

Carmel Medical Center




AL declares that he has no competing interests.

Roy Gerth van Wijk, MD, PhD

Professor of Allergology

Head of Section of Allergology

Department of Internal Medicine

Erasmus Medical Center


The Netherlands


RGvW declares that he has no competing interests.

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