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Infective endocarditis

Last reviewed: 23 Jun 2024
Last updated: 19 Dec 2023



History and exam

Key diagnostic factors

  • fever/chills
  • night sweats, malaise, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, myalgias
  • weakness
  • arthralgias
  • headache
  • shortness of breath
  • meningeal signs
  • cardiac murmur
  • Janeway lesions
  • Osler nodes
  • Roth spots
Full details

Other diagnostic factors

  • splinter hemorrhages
  • cutaneous infarcts
  • chest pain
  • back pain
  • palatal petechiae
Full details

Risk factors

  • prior history of infectious endocarditis
  • presence of artificial prosthetic heart valves
  • certain types of congenital heart disease
  • postheart transplant (patients who develop a cardiac valvulopathy)
  • presence of cardiac implanted electronic device or intravascular catheters (e.g., for hemodialysis)
  • acquired degenerative valve disease
  • mitral valve prolapse or bicuspid valve prolapse
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • intravenous drug use
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Diagnostic tests

1st tests to order

  • CBC
  • serum chemistry panel with glucose
  • urinalysis
  • blood cultures
  • ECG
  • echocardiogram
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Tests to consider

  • rheumatoid factor
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • complement levels
  • cardiac CT
  • head MRI
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Treatment algorithm


suspected infective endocarditis


native valve: confirmed endocarditis

prosthetic valve: confirmed endocarditis


at high risk of infective endocarditis



Ammara Mushtaq, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor

University of Florida

Division of Infectious Disease and Global Medicine




AM declares that she is Principal Investigator on a grant from Merck on ceftolozane-tazobactam, writer for the Lancet family of journals, question writer for Blueprint Test preparations, and a peer-reviewer for Clinical Overviews, Elsevier (topics influenza and HIV).


Dr Tracey Keteepe-Arachi, Dr Aneil Malhotra, and Dr Michael Papadakis would like to gratefully acknowledge Professor Sanjay Sharma, Dr Jason C. Schultz, Dr Nisha K. Lassi, and Dr Nandan S. Anavekar, previous contributors to this topic.


JCS, NKL, NSA, and SS declare that they have no competing interests.

Peer reviewers

Vandana Desai, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

SMIMER Hospital




VD declares that she has no competing interests.

Lucieni Oliveira Conterno, MD, PhD


Clinical Epidemiology Unit

Marilia Medical School

Sao Paulo



LOC declares that she has no competing interests.

Andrew Wang, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Director, Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Program

Duke University Medical Center




AW declares that he has no competing interests.

  • Infective endocarditis images
  • Differentials

    • Rheumatic fever
    • Atrial myxoma
    • Libman-Sacks endocarditis
    More Differentials
  • Guidelines

    • Guidelines for the management of infective endocarditis
    • Prevention of viridans group streptococcal infective endocarditis
    More Guidelines
  • Patient information


    More Patient information
  • Calculators

    Endocarditis Diagnostic Criteria - Modified Duke Criteria

    More Calculators
  • Videos

    Venepuncture and phlebotomy: animated demonstration

    How to perform an ECG: animated demonstration

    More videos
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