History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- abdominal pain
- hepatomegaly
- hematemesis and melena
- venous collaterals
- splenomegaly
- hepatic mass
- jaundice
- palmar erythema
- cutaneous telangiectasia
- asterixis
Other diagnostic factors
- ascites
- weight loss
- weight gain
- malnutrition and wasting
- anorexia
- fatigue
- confusion
- pruritus
- fever
- nausea and vomiting
- finger clubbing
- Dupuytren contracture
- leg swelling
- parotid gland enlargement
- gynecomastia
- hypogonadism
- dementia
- peripheral neuropathy
Risk factors
- prolonged and heavy alcohol consumption
- hepatitis C
- female sex
- cigarette smoking
- obesity
- age >65 years
- Hispanic ethnicity
- genetic predisposition
Diagnostic tests
1st tests to order
- serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
- serum AST/ALT ratio
- serum alkaline phosphatase
- serum bilirubin
- serum albumin, protein
- serum gamma glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT)
- serum electrolytes, magnesium, phosphorus
- serum BUN and creatinine
- serum prothrombin time (PT), INR
- hepatic ultrasound
Tests to consider
- viral hepatitis serology
- serum iron, ferritin, transferrin
- urine copper (24-hour collection)
- serum ceruloplasmin
- serum antimitochondrial antibody (AMA)
- serum antinuclear antibody (ANA) and antismooth muscle antibody (ASMA)
- serum alpha-1 antitrypsin level
- serum ammonia
- serum folate
- noninvasive tests of liver elasticity
- CT abdomen, MRI abdomen
- liver biopsy
Emerging tests
- serum carbohydrate-deficient transferrin test
- serum mitochondrial AST
- Phosphatidylethanol (PEth)
Treatment algorithm
all patients
Craig McClain, MD

Chief of Research Affairs
Associate Vice President for Health Affairs/Research
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Department of Medicine
University of Louisville School of Medicine
CM receives contract research support from the National Institutes of Health, the Veterans Administration, and Target Pharma Solutions.
Luis Marsano, MD

Professor and Director of Hepatology
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Department of Medicine
University of Louisville School of Medicine
LM declares that he has no competing interests.
Dr Craig McClain and Dr Luis Marsano would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Mihir Patel, a previous contributor to this topic.
MP declares that he has no competing interests.
Peer reviewers
Lorenzo Leggio, MD, MSc
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
Brown University
LL declares that he has no competing interests.
Nancy Reau, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Chicago
Center for Liver Disease
NR declares that she has no competing interests.
Nick Sheron, MD, FRCP
Head of Clinical Hepatology and Senior Lecturer
Division of Infection, Inflammation and Immunity
University of Southampton Medical School
Southampton General Hospital NHS Trust
NS has received research grants from the Medical Research Council (MRC), Wellcome Trust, British Liver Trust, Alcohol Education Research Council, and various other funding bodies. He has undertaken paid consultancy work and received traveling expenses from pharmaceutical companies developing drugs for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease. He has been paid for medico-legal work in the areas of hepatitis C and alcohol-related liver disease. The following memberships and advisory work are unpaid apart from traveling expenses: EU Alcohol Forum, EU Alcohol Marketing Taskforce, Royal College of Physicians Alcohol Committee, Alcohol Health Alliance UK. NS has undertaken advisory and media work for the UK Department of Health, Home Office, Department of Transport, Cross Cabinet Strategy Committee, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Southampton City Council, UK Police, and British Liver Trust, and various other NGOs, local government, and other bodies. NS is an unpaid trustee of the Drinkaware Trust, an independent body set up by the UK Government to use industry resources to reduce alcohol-related harm. The Trust is funded entirely by the alcohol industry, with a board of trustees comprising 5 industry members, 5 members with alcohol-related health expertise, and 3 lay members.
Alastair MacGilchrist, MD, FRCP
Consultant Hepatologist
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
AM declares that he has no competing interests.
- Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection
- Hepatitis A virus infection
More DifferentialsGuidelines
- AASLD Practice Guideline on non-invasive liver disease assessments of portal hypertension
- ACG clinical guideline: alcohol-associated liver disease
More GuidelinesPatient information
Alcoholic liver disease
Hepatitis B: should I have the vaccine?
More Patient informationCalculators
Alcohol Consumption Screening AUDIT Questionnaire
Modified Maddrey's Discriminant Function
More CalculatorsVideos
Abdominal paracentesis animated demonstration
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