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Hyperkalemia in adults

Last reviewed: 23 Jun 2024
Last updated: 27 Sep 2023



History and exam

Other diagnostic factors

  • muscle weakness
  • generalized fatigue
  • paresthesia
  • muscle cramps
  • flaccid muscle paralysis
  • bradycardia
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • palpitations
  • extrasystoles
  • cardiac pauses
  • tachypnea
  • depressed or absent deep tendon reflexes
  • hypoactive or absent bowel sounds
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Risk factors

  • kidney dysfunction
  • heart failure
  • use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi)
  • use of aldosterone antagonists
  • use of trimethoprim
  • liver disease
  • tissue breakdown
  • distal renal tubule defects
  • diabetes mellitus
  • diabetic ketoacidosis
  • use of other drugs that cause hyperkalemia
  • increased intake of potassium
  • metabolic acidosis
  • digoxin (digitalis) toxicity
  • primary adrenal insufficiency
  • hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
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Diagnostic tests

1st tests to order

  • serum potassium
  • 12-lead ECG
  • blood gas
  • CBC
  • plasma glucose
  • renal chemistry
  • serum calcium
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Tests to consider

  • uric acid and phosphorus
  • creatine kinase
  • serum digoxin level
  • cortisol and aldosterone levels
  • 24-hour urine potassium excretion
  • plasma and urine potassium and osmolality
  • urine pH
  • plasma renin activity
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Treatment algorithm


acute hyperkalemia with potentially life-threatening features

acute hyperkalemia without potentially life-threatening features


chronic hyperkalemia



Sri G. Yarlagadda, MD

Associate Professor

Kidney Institute

The University of Kansas Medical Center

Kansas City



SGY declares that she has no competing interests.

Peer reviewers

Manish Suneja, MD


University of Iowa and Carver College of Medicine

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Iowa City



MD receives royalties from McGraw Hill as editor of DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination.

Annette Alfonzo, MbChB, MRCP, MD

Consultant Nephrologist

Victoria Hospital





AA declares that she has no competing interests.

  • Hyperkalemia in adults images
  • Differentials

    • Pseudohyperkalemia
    More Differentials
  • Guidelines

    • Hyperkalemia management in the emergency department: an expert panel consensus
    • Potassium homeostasis and management of dyskalemia in kidney diseases: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) controversies conference
    More Guidelines
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