History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- history of diabetes mellitus
- presence of risk factors
- foot ulcer
- foot pain
- loss of protective sensation
- foot deformity
- fever or chills
Other diagnostic factors
- malaise
- anorexia
- foot erythema
- oedema of foot, ankle, or calf
- absent pedal pulses
- fluctuance
Risk factors
- previous history of foot ulcer
- previous history of amputation
- sensory neuropathy
- peripheral arterial disease
- end-stage renal disease
- foot deformities
- limited foot and/or ankle joint mobility
- visual impairment
- poor glycaemic control
- Charcot’s neuro-osteoarthropathy
- obesity
- obstructive sleep apnoea
Diagnostic investigations
1st investigations to order
- clinical diagnosis
Investigations to consider
- blood glucose level
- microbiological culture
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- C-reactive protein
- renal function
- ankle/toe pressures
- x-ray foot
- angiography
- MR angiography
- CT angiography
- intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography
- MRI foot
- arterial duplex ultrasound
Emerging tests
- serum procalcitonin
- 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET/CT
- 99mTc-exametazime Hexa Methyl Propylene Amine Oxime (HMPAO)-labeled white blood cell scintigraphy
- 99mTc-labeled Ubiquicidin (UBI) SPECT/CT single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT/CT)
Treatment algorithm
at initial presentation
after initial definitive treatment
Frances L. Game, MBBCh, FRCP
Consultant Diabetologist and Clinical Director of R&D
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
FLG is in receipt of research grants from the NIHR and MRC. She is National Clinical Lead for the National Diabetes Foot Care Audit of England and Wales, and is an NHS England regional Clinical Director. She Chairs the International Working Group of the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF), and chaired both the Classification and Wound Healing Working Groups which produced the 2023 IWGDF guidelines. FLG is an author of a reference cited in the topic.
Dr Frances L. Game would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Neal R. Barshes, Dr Joseph L. Mills, and Dr David G. Armstrong, previous contributors to this topic.
NRB and DGA declare that they have no competing interests. JLM is a consultant for, and owns stocks in, Nangio TX; a member of the scientific advisory committees for Cesca, AnGes, and AstraZeneca; and the Co-National Principal Investigator for the Voyager trial of rivaroxaban in peripheral arterial disease patients undergoing intervention (funding for this institutional research grant goes directly to the Baylor College of Medicine).
Peer reviewers
Simon Ashwell, MBChB, MD, FRCP
Consultant Physician of Diabetes and Endocrinology
Diabetes Care Centre
The James Cook University Hospital
SA declares that he has no competing interests.
- Venous leg ulcer
- Gout
- Acute Charcot's neuro-osteoarthropathy
More DifferentialsGuidelines
- Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update)
- Nutrition interventions in adults with diabetic foot ulcers
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