History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- presence of risk factors
- exposure to HIV within past 72 hours
- breakage, slippage, or non-usage of a condom
- history of ejaculation from source
- trauma or skin break
- genital ulcers
- source from high-risk group for HIV viraemia
- source from geographical area with high HIV prevalence
- high-risk sexual history in exposed person
- detectable HIV viral load in source
Other diagnostic factors
- history of negative HIV test in source
- source with hepatitis co-infection
- antiviral HIV resistance in source
- current prescription or non-prescription medications
- history of drug allergies
- flu-like illness
Risk factors
- blood transfusion from HIV-positive donor
- sharing injecting equipment
- needlestick injury
- receptive anal intercourse
- receptive vaginal intercourse
- mucous membrane exposure
- insertive anal intercourse
- insertive vaginal intercourse
- receptive oral sex (fellatio)
Diagnostic investigations
1st investigations to order
- HIV antigen/antibody blood test (blood ELISA or EIA)
- rapid HIV point of care test (POCT)
- renal function tests
- liver function tests (LFTs)
- hepatitis B serology
- hepatitis C antibody
- syphilis serology
- pregnancy test
- screening for other STIs
Investigations to consider
- HIV viral load if symptoms of HIV seroconversion
Treatment algorithm
adults or adolescents ≥13 years: non-pregnant
pregnant or breastfeeding
Ming Jie Lee, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MRCP
Clinical Research Fellow
Department of Infectious Disease
Imperial College London
MJL has received consulting fees from Thriva Ltd. and conference reimbursement from Gilead Sciences, Inc., and travel grants from ViiV Healthcare, not related to this work.
Julie Fox, BSc(Hons), MBChB, MRCP, MD
HIV consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer KCL
Department of HIV
Harrison Wing
Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
JF declares that she has no competing interests.
Dr Ming Jie Lee and Dr Julie Fox would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Jennifer A. Johnson, Dr Paul Sax, Dr Rebecca Plank, Dr Michael Brady, Dr Emily Cheserem, and Dr Claire M. Naftalin, the previous contributors to this topic.
JAJ declares that she has no competing interests. PS serves as a consultant for Abbott, BMS, Gilead, GSK, Merck, and Janssen. He receives grant support from BMS, Gilead, and GSK. EC has been sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline for several conferences and sponsored by Gilead Sciences, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals, and Abbott Laboratories to attend various educational programs. CMN has been sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals to attend an educational program. CMN is an author of a reference cited in this topic. MB not disclosed. RP declares that she has no competing interests.
Peer reviewers
Professor Margaret Johnson, MB BS, MD, FRCP
Clinical Director
HIV/AIDS Services
Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust
MJ declares that she has no competing interests.
William Rodriguez, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)
Campus Biotech
Not disclosed.
- PEP to prevent HIV infection
- Guidelines for the management of people living with HIV in Europe
More GuidelinesPatient information
Hepatitis C: what is it?
HIV: testing
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