History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- recurrent infection
- infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus species
- infection with atypical pathogens
- repeated antibiotic use
- respiratory crackles, high-pitched inspiratory squeaks, rhonchi
Other diagnostic factors
- absence from school/work
- failure to thrive
- diarrhea
- sinusitis
- pallor
- tympanic membrane perforation
- illness after live vaccines
- weight loss, night sweats, fevers
- edema
- alopecia, goiter, vitiligo
- eczema
- small/absent tonsils
- lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
- history of celiac disease or transfusion reactions
- muscle fatigability, ptosis, diplopia (if thymoma present)
- dysmorphic features
- neurologic involvement
Risk factors
- male sex
- positive family history of primary immunodeficiency
- severe protein-losing state
- hematologic malignancy
- anticonvulsant and immunosuppressive drugs
Diagnostic investigations
1st investigations to order
- serum IgG
- serum IgA
- serum IgM
- serum and urine electrophoresis
- serum free light chains
- urine dipstick
- serum creatinine
- serum albumin
- LFTs
- sputum culture
- stool culture
- chest x-ray
Investigations to consider
- flow cytometry: lymphocyte subsets
- specific antimicrobial antibodies
- test immunization response
- IgG subclasses
- flow cytometry: protein expression
- genetic testing
- enzyme assays
- abdominal ultrasound
- CT chest/sinuses
- CT abdomen
- pulmonary function test
- lymph node biopsy
- small- and large-bowel biopsy
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for viral infection
- hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B and C PCR
Treatment algorithm
primary hypogammaglobulinemia
secondary hypogammaglobulinemia
Sara Barmettler, MD
Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology
Massachusetts General Hospital
SB is an author of some references cited in this topic. SB was on a scientific advisory board for CSL Behring.
Dr Sara Barmettler would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr Mohammed Yousuf Karim, Dr Patrick Yong, and Dr Zoe Adhya, previous contributors to this topic.
MYK serves on the advisory board for Allergy Therapeutics. PY and ZA declare that they have no competing interests.
Peer reviewers
John B. Ziegler, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of New South Wales
Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Sydney Children's Hospital
JBZ declares that he has no competing interests.
Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
Immunology Institute
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York
CCR is an author of several references cited in this topic.
David Webster, MD, FRCP, FRCPath
Honorary Clinical Scientist
UCL Centre for Primary Immunodeficiency
University College London Medical School
Department of Immunology
Royal Free Hospital
DW declares that he has no competing interests.
- Specific antibody deficiency
- Hyposplenism
- Complement deficiency
More DifferentialsGuidelines
- Practical guidance for the diagnosis and management of secondary hypogammaglobulinemia: a Work Group report of the AAAAI Primary Immunodeficiency and Altered Immune Response Committees
- Criteria for the clinical use of intravenous immunoglobulin in Australia
More GuidelinesPatient information
Pneumonia: do I need a vaccine?
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