


Nakagawa TA, Ashwal S, Mathur M, et al. Guidelines for the determination of brain death in infants and children: an update of the 1987 task force recommendations-executive summary. Ann Neurol. 2012 Apr;71(4):573-85. 摘要

Carney N, Totten AM, O'Reilly C, et al. Guidelines for the management of severe traumatic brain injury 4th edition. September 2016 [internet publication].全文

Seel RT, Sherer M, Whyte J, et al; American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Brain Injury-Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group, Disorders of Consciousness Task Force. Assessment scales for disorders of consciousness: evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice and research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Dec;91(12):1795-813. 摘要

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Head injury: assessment and early management. September 2019 [internet publication].全文


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