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Основные статьи

St Georgiev V. Chemotherapy of enterobiasis (oxyuriasis). Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2001 Feb;2(2):267-75. Аннотация

Kimberlin DW, Long SS, Brady MT, et al, eds. Red Book: 2018 report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 31st ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018 [internet publication].Полный текст

Despommier DD, Gwadz RW, Hotez PJ, et al. Parasitic diseases. 4th ed. New York, NY: Apple Trees Productions; 2000.

Статьи, указанные как источники

1. Burkhart CN, Burkhart CG. Assessment of frequency, transmission, and genitourinary complications of enterobiasis (pinworms). Int J Dermatol. 2005 Oct;44(10):837-40. Аннотация

2. St Georgiev V. Chemotherapy of enterobiasis (oxyuriasis). Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2001 Feb;2(2):267-75. Аннотация

3. Kimberlin DW, Long SS, Brady MT, et al, eds. Red Book: 2018 report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 31st ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018 [internet publication].Полный текст

4. Wendt S, Trawinski H, Schubert S, et al. The diagnosis and treatment of pinworm infection. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2019 Mar 29;116(13):213-9.Полный текст  Аннотация

5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - Enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection). Sep 2020 [internet publication].Полный текст

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection): epidemiology & risk factors. January 2013 [internet publication].Полный текст

7. Despommier DD, Gwadz RW, Hotez PJ, et al. Parasitic diseases. 4th ed. New York, NY: Apple Trees Productions; 2000.

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Enterobiasis (Enterobius vermicularis). Aug 2019 [internet publication].Полный текст

9. Lormans JA, Wesel AJ, Vanparus OF. Mebendazole (R 17635) in enterobiasis: a clinical trial in mental retardates. Chemotherapy. 1975;21(3-4):255-60. Аннотация

10. Sadun EH, Melvin DM. The probability of detecting infection with Enterobius vermicularis by successive examinations. J Pediatr. 1956 Apr;48(4):438-41. Аннотация

11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - Enterobiasis (also known as Pinworm Infection): resources for health professionals. Aug 2019 [internet publication].Полный текст

12. Dubray C. Pinworm (enterobiasis, ocyuriasis, threadworm). In: Brunette GW, Nemhauser JB, eds. CDC Yellow Book 2020: health information for international travel. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2019.Полный текст

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