Ingestão de produtos tóxicos em crianças


Principais artigos

Hoffman RS, Burns MM, Gosselin S. Ingestion of caustic substances. N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 30;382(18):1739-48.

McKay C. Can the laboratory help me? Toxicology laboratory testing in the possibly poisoned pediatric patient. Clin Pedi EM. 2005;6:116-22.

Dart RC, Goldfrank LR, Erstad BL, et al. Expert consensus guidelines for stocking of antidotes in hospitals that provide emergency care. Ann Emerg Med. 2018 Mar;71(3):314-25.e1.Texto completo  Resumo

Royal College of Emergency Medicine. College of Emergency Medicine and National Poisons Information Service guideline on antidote availability for emergency departments, 2021 update. Dec 2021 [internet publication].Texto completo

American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists. Position paper: single-dose activated charcoal. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2005;43(2):61-87.Texto completo  Resumo

Artigos de referência

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