Espru tropical


Principais artigos

Keele KD, Bound JP. Sprue in India: a clinical survey of 600 cases. BMJ. 1946;1:77-81.

Sheehy TW, Cohen WC, Wallace DK, et al. Tropical sprue in North Americans. JAMA. 1965;194:1069-1076. Resumo

Sheehy TW, Baggs B, Perez-Santiago E, et al. Prognosis of tropical sprue. A study of the effect of folic acid on the intestinal aspects of acute and chronic sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1962;57:892-908. Resumo

Suarez RM, Spies TD, Suarez RM Jr. The use of folic acid in sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1947;26:642-677.

Rickles FR, Klipstein FA, Tomasini J, et al. Long-term follow-up of antibiotic-treated tropical sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1972;76:203-210. Resumo

Guerra R, Wheby MS, Bayless TM. Long term antibiotic in tropical sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1965;63:619-634. Resumo

Artigos de referência

1. Alvarez JJ, Zaga-Galante J, Vergara-Suarez A, et al. Tropical sprue. J Trop Dis. 2014:2(1):130.Texto completo

2. Keele KD, Bound JP. Sprue in India: a clinical survey of 600 cases. BMJ. 1946;1:77-81.

3. Sheehy TW, Cohen WC, Wallace DK, et al. Tropical sprue in North Americans. JAMA. 1965;194:1069-1076. Resumo

4. Lindenbaum J, Kent TH, Sprinz H. Malabsorption and jejunitis in American Peace Corps volunteers in Pakistan. Ann Int Med. 1966;65:1201-1209. Resumo

5. Piyush R, Ghoshal U, Aggarwal R, et al. Etiological spectrum of sporadic malabsorption syndrome in Northern Indian adults at a tertiary hospital. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2004;23:94-98. Resumo

6. Baker SJ, Mathan VI. An epidemic of tropical sprue in southern India II: epidemiology. Ann Trop Med Parisitol. 1970;64:453-467. Resumo

7. Ghoshal UC, Ghoshal U, Ayyagari A, et al. Tropical sprue is associated with contamination of small bowel with aerobic bacteria and reversible prolongation of orocecal transit time. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2003;18:540-547. Resumo

8. Gorbach SL, Banwell JG, Jacobs B, et al. Tropical sprue and malnutrition in West Bengal. I. Intestinal microflora and absorption. Am J Clin Nutr. 1970;23:1545-1558. Resumo

9. Bhat P, Shantakumari S, Rajan D, et al. Bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract in southern Indian control subjects and patients with tropical sprue. Gastroenterology. 1972;62:11-21. Resumo

10. Klipstein FA, Holdeman LV; Corcino JJ, et al. Enterotoxigenic intestinal bacteria in tropical sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1973;79:632-641. Resumo

11. Tomkins AM, Drasar BS, James WP. Bacterial colonisation of jejunal mucosa in acute tropical sprue. Lancet. 1975;1:59-62. Resumo

12. Baker SJ, Mathan M, Mathan VI, et al. Chronic enterocyte infection with coronavirus: one possible cause of the syndrome of tropical sprue? Dig Dis Sci. 1982;27:1039-1043. Resumo

13. Menendez-Corrada R, Nettleship E, Santiago-Delphin EA. HLA and tropical sprue. Lancet. 1986;2:1183-1185. Resumo

14. Eckburg PB, Bernstein CN, Purdom E, et al. Diversity of the human intestinal microbial flora. Science. 2005;308:1635-1638. Resumo

15. Cancio M, Menendez-Corrado R, Asenjo CF. Effect of fatty acid structure on absorption of fats by sprue patients. Bol Assoc Med PR. 1967;59:155-160. Resumo

16. Klipstein FA, Corcino JJ. Malabsorption of essential amino acids in tropical sprue. Gastroenterology. 1975;68:239-244. Resumo

17. Klipstein FA, Corcino JJ. Factors responsible for weight loss in tropical sprue. Am J Clin Nutr. 1977;30:1703-1708. Resumo

18. Kumar S, Ghoshal UC, Jayalakshmi K, et al. Abnormal small intestinal permeability in patients with idiopathic malabsorption in tropics (tropical sprue) does not change even after successful treatment. Dig Dis Sci. 2011;56:161-169. Resumo

19. Sheehy TW, Anderson PR, Baggs BE. Carbohydrate studies in tropical sprue. Am J Dig Dis. 1966;11:461-473. Resumo

20. Hoffbrand AV, Necheles TF, Maldonado N, et al. Malabsorption of folate polyglutamates in tropical sprue. BMJ. 1969;2:543-547.Texto completo  Resumo

21. Rajendram R, Preedy VR. Effect of alcohol consumption on the gut. Dig Dis. 2005;23:214-221. Resumo

22. Baker SJ, Mathan VI. Tropical sprue in Southern India. In: Tropical sprue and megaloblastic anemia. Wellcome Trust collaborative study, Wellcome Trust. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1971:189-260.

23. Ross IN, Mathan VI. Immunological changes in tropical sprue. Q J Med. 1981;200:435-439. Resumo

24. Brown IS, Bettington A, Bettington M, et al. Tropical sprue: revisiting an underrecognized disease. Am J Surg Pathol. 2014;38:666-672. Resumo

25. Garrido JA, Sheehy TW. Tropical sprue. Bockus gastroenterology. 5th ed, vol 2. St. Louis: WB Saunders Co; 1995:1056.

26. Sheehy TW, Floch MH. The small intestine - its function and diseases. New York: Harper & Row Publishers; 1964:74-76.

27. Corcino JJ, Reisenauer AM, Halsted CH. Jejunal perfusion of simple and conjugated folates in tropical sprue. J Clin Invest. 1976;58:298-305.Texto completo  Resumo

28. Lindenbaum J. Small intestine dysfunction in Pakistanis and Americans resident in Pakistan. Am J Clin Nutr. 1968;21:1023-1029. Resumo

29. Gorbach SL, Mittra R, Jacobs B, et al. Bacterial contamination of the upper small bowel in tropical sprue. Lancet. 1969;1:74-77. Resumo

30. Lo A, Guelrud M, Essenfeld H, et al. Classification of villous atrophy with enhanced magnification endoscopy in patients with celiac disease and tropical sprue. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007;66:377-382. Resumo

31. Tomkins AM, Smith T, Wright SG. Assessment of early and delayed responses in vitamin B12 absorption during antibiotic therapy in tropical malabsorption. Clin Sci Mol Med Suppl. 1978;55:533-539. Resumo

32. Sheehy TW, Baggs B, Perez-Santiago E, et al. Prognosis of tropical sprue. A study of the effect of folic acid on the intestinal aspects of acute and chronic sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1962;57:892-908. Resumo

33. Suarez RM, Spies TD, Suarez RM Jr. The use of folic acid in sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1947;26:642-677.

34. Basson M, Mezzarobba M, Weill A, et al. Severe intestinal malabsorption associated with olmesartan: a French nationwide observational cohort study. Gut. 2015 Aug 6 [Epub ahead of print]. Resumo

35. Klipstein FA. Absorption of physiologic doses of folic acid in subjects with tropical sprue responding to tetracycline therapy. Blood. 1969;34:191-203.Texto completo  Resumo

36. Rickles FR, Klipstein FA, Tomasini J, et al. Long-term follow-up of antibiotic-treated tropical sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1972;76:203-210. Resumo

37. Guerra R, Wheby MS, Bayless TM. Long term antibiotic in tropical sprue. Ann Intern Med. 1965;63:619-634. Resumo

38. Ramakrishna BS, Venkataraman S, Mukhopadhya A. Tropical malabsorption. Postgrad Med J. 2006;82:779-787. Resumo

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