Avaliação da hematúria visível


Principais artigos

Nielsen M, Qaseem A. Hematuria as a marker of occult urinary tract cancer: advice for high-value care from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Apr 5;164(7):488-97.Texto completo  Resumo

Morey AF, Broghammer JA, Hollowell CMP, et al. Urotrauma guideline 2020: AUA guideline. J Urol. 2021 Jan;205(1):30-5.Texto completo  Resumo

European Association of Urology. EAU guidelines on urological trauma. Mar 2022 [internet publication].Texto completo

American College of Radiology. ACR appropriateness criteria: hematuria. 2019 [internet publication].Texto completo

Artigos de referência

1. Nielsen M, Qaseem A. Hematuria as a marker of occult urinary tract cancer: advice for high-value care from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Apr 5;164(7):488-97.Texto completo  Resumo

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12. Morey AF, Broghammer JA, Hollowell CMP, et al. Urotrauma guideline 2020: AUA guideline. J Urol. 2021 Jan;205(1):30-5.Texto completo  Resumo

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