Laceração de Mallory-Weiss


Principais artigos

Alali AA, Barkun AN. An update on the management of non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf). 2023 Mar 20;11:goad011.Texto completo  Resumo

Laine L, Barkun AN, Saltzman JR, et al. ACG clinical guideline: upper gastrointestinal and ulcer bleeding. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 May 1;116(5):899-917.Texto completo  Resumo

Barkun AN, Almadi M, Kuipers EJ, et al. Management of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: guideline recommendations from the International Consensus Group. Ann Intern Med. 2019 Dec 3;171(11):805-22.Texto completo  Resumo

American College of Radiology. ACR appropriateness criteria: nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding​. 2024 [internet publication].Texto completo

Artigos de referência

1. Alali AA, Barkun AN. An update on the management of non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf). 2023 Mar 20;11:goad011.Texto completo  Resumo

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40. Barkun AN, Almadi M, Kuipers EJ, et al. Management of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: guideline recommendations from the International Consensus Group. Ann Intern Med. 2019 Dec 3;171(11):805-22.Texto completo  Resumo

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