Respuestas clínicas Cochrane

Las Respuestas Clínicas de la Cochrane (CCA) proporcionan un punto de entrada legible, sencillo y con enfoque clínico a la investigación rigurosa de las revisiones sistemáticas de la Cochrane. Están diseñadas para ser procesables e informar sobre la toma de decisiones en el punto de atención médica y se han añadido a las secciones pertinentes del texto principal de las Best Practice.
- In adults with acute bronchitis who do not have any other underlying pulmonary disease or acute respiratory illness, what are the benefits and harms of beta2-agonists?
- How do point‐of‐care diagnostic tests for acute respiratory infection affect antibiotic prescribing behavior in primary care?
- How do communication strategies affect antibiotic prescribing behavior for acute respiratory infection in primary care?
- For people with respiratory infection, how do delayed compare with immediate or no antibiotic prescriptions?
- In people with acute bronchitis, is there randomized controlled trial evidence to support the use of antibiotics?
- What are the benefits and harms of azithromycin compared with amoxicillin or amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in people with acute lower respiratory tract infections?
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