Key articles
Roccatello D, Saadoun D, Ramos-Casals M, et al. Cryoglobulinaemia. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2018 Aug 2;4(1):11. Abstract
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases; Infectious Diseases Society of America. HCV guidance: recommendations for testing, managing, and treating hepatitis C. Oct 2022 [internet publication].Full text
Quartuccio L, Bortoluzzi A, Scirè CA, et al. Management of mixed cryoglobulinemia with rituximab: evidence and consensus-based recommendations from the Italian Study Group of Cryoglobulinemia (GISC). Clin Rheumatol. 2023 Feb;42(2):359-70.Full text Abstract
Montero N, Favà A, Rodriguez E, et al. Treatment for hepatitis C virus-associated mixed cryoglobulinaemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 May 7;(5):CD011403.Full text Abstract
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Hepatitis C Work Group. KDIGO 2022 clinical practice guideline for the prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of hepatitis C in chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2022 Dec;102(6s):S129-205.Full text
Reference articles
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