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Corneal abrasions

Last reviewed: 22 Sep 2024
Last updated: 10 Oct 2024
10 Oct 2024

Limit topical anesthetics to single use for initial symptom relief and to aid exam

Repeated use of topical anesthetics may be toxic to the corneal epithelium and may impair healing (e.g., risks corneal melting, ring infiltrates, and infection).[13][15][16]​​​

Topical anesthetics can provide initial symptom relief and aid exam in patients with corneal abrasions or recurrent corneal erosions, but should be limited to single use by a medical professional.[13][15][16]

​Patients should not receive topical anesthetics for use at home.[15]

See Management: approach

Original source of update



History and exam

Key diagnostic factors

  • eye pain
  • tearing
  • photophobia
  • blurred vision
  • ciliary flush
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Other diagnostic factors

  • presence of foreign body
  • red reflex
  • corneal opacity
  • rust ring
  • blepharospasm
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Risk factors

  • eye trauma
  • foreign body in the eye
  • contact lens use
  • working in the automobile industry
  • lack of protective eyewear
  • prior corneal abrasion
  • deployment of airbag during automobile collision
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Diagnostic tests

1st tests to order

  • visual acuity
  • fluorescein staining
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Tests to consider

  • CT scan of head and orbits
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Treatment algorithm


acute corneal abrasion


recurrent corneal erosions or poor healing



Christopher McStay, MD
Christopher McStay

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine

Department of Emergency Medicine

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

New York



CM declares that he has no competing interests.

Peer reviewers

Christopher Tedeschi, MD

Instructor in Clinical Medicine

Emergency Medicine Department

New York Presbyterian Hospital

Columbia University Medical Center

New York



CT declares that he has no competing interests.

Rasik Vajpayee, MD

Chair of Ophthalmology

Corneal and Cataract Surgery

University of Melbourne




RV declares that he has no competing interests.

  • Corneal abrasions images
  • Differentials

    • Conjunctivitis
    • Corneal laceration with globe perforation
    • Corneal ulceration and ulcerative keratitis
    More Differentials
  • Guidelines

    • ​Cornea/external disease summary benchmarks - 2023
    • Cornea/external disease summary benchmarks - 2023
    More Guidelines
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