Pinworm infection


Principais artigos

Kimberlin DW, Barnett ED, Lynfield R, et al, eds. Red Book: 2021-2024 report of the committee on infectious diseases. 32 nd ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021 [internet publication].Texto completo

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Yellow Book 2024: health information for international travel. Section 5: travel-associated infections and diseases - enterobiasis / pinworm. May 2023 [internet publication].Texto completo

Artigos de referência

1. Kimberlin DW, Barnett ED, Lynfield R, et al, eds. Red Book: 2021-2024 report of the committee on infectious diseases. 32 nd ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021 [internet publication].Texto completo

2. Shetty JB, Kulkarni DV, Prabhu V. Eggs containing larvae of Enterobius vermicularis in vaginal smear. J Cytol. 2012 Jan;29(1):94-6.Texto completo  Resumo

3. Choudhury S, Kumar B, Pal DK. Enterobius vermicularis infestation of urinary tract leading to recurrent urinary tract infection. Trop Parasitol. 2017 Jul-Dec;7(2):119-21.Texto completo  Resumo

4. Pigac B, Mašić S, Mašić V. Enterobius vermicularis in the endometrium of the uterus: a case report. Iran J Parasitol. 2017 Oct-Dec;12(4):638-41.Texto completo  Resumo

5. Ngui R, Ravindran S, Ong DB, et al. Enterobius vermicularis salpingitis seen in the setting of ectopic pregnancy in a Malaysian patient. J Clin Microbiol. 2014 Sep;52(9):3468-70.Texto completo  Resumo

6. St Georgiev V. Chemotherapy of enterobiasis (oxyuriasis). Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2001 Feb;2(2):267-75. Resumo

7. Rajendran S, Carmody E, Murphy M, et al. Enterobius granulomas as a cause of abdominal pain. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Aug 18;2015:bcr2015210464.Texto completo

8. Bharathi K, Anuradha S, Chandrasekar VA, et al. Enterobius vermicularis worm granuloma mimicking like a pseudo tumor in the anal canal: an unusual clinical presentation. Trop Parasitol. 2012 Jul;2(2):124-6.Texto completo  Resumo

9. Kılıç S, Ekinci S, Orhan D, et al. Enterobius granuloma: an unusual cause of omental mass in an 11-year-old girl. Turk J Pediatr. 2014 Mar-Apr;56(2):189-91.Texto completo  Resumo

10. Naalla R, Sankalp, Shetty P, et al. Worm in vermiform appendix: a surgeon's perspective. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Jun 27;2014:bcr2014205411.Texto completo

11. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection). Jun 2023 [internet publication].Texto completo

12. Wendt S, Trawinski H, Schubert S, et al. The diagnosis and treatment of pinworm infection. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2019 Mar 29;116(13):213-9.Texto completo  Resumo

13. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection): epidemiology and risk factors. Jan 2013 [internet publication].Texto completo

14. Despommier DD, Gwadz RW, Hotez PJ, et al. Parasitic Diseases. 4th ed. New York, NY: Apple Trees Productions; 2000.

15. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Enterobiasis (Enterobius vermicularis). Aug 2019 [internet publication].Texto completo

16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC Yellow Book 2024: health information for international travel. Section 5: travel-associated infections and diseases - enterobiasis / pinworm. May 2023 [internet publication].Texto completo

17. Kim DH, Son HM, Kim JY, et al. Parents' knowledge about enterobiasis might be one of the most important risk factors for enterobiasis in children. Korean J Parasitol. 2010 Jun;48(2):121-6.Texto completo  Resumo

18. Baydaş B, Uslu H, Yavuz I, et al. Effect of a chronic nail-biting habit on the oral carriage of enterobacteriaceae. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2007 Feb;22(1):1-4. Resumo

19. Idowu OA, Babatunde O, Soniran T, et al. Parasitic infections in finger-sucking school age children. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2011 Sep;30(9):791-2.Texto completo  Resumo

20. Reddy S, Sanjai K, Kumaraswamy J, et al. Oral carriage of enterobacteriaceae among school children with chronic nail-biting habit. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2013 May;17(2):163-8.Texto completo  Resumo

21. ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection): diagnosis. Jan 2013 [internet publication].Texto completo

22. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection): treatment. Aug 2016 [internet publication].Texto completo

23. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection): resources for health professionals. Aug 2019 [internet publication].Texto completo

24. Centers for Disease Control and Prvention. Parasites - enterobiasis (also known as pinworm infection)​: prevention and control. Dec 2020 [internet publication].Texto completo

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