

Key articles

American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The AASM International classification of sleep disorders – third edition, text revision (ICSD-3-TR). Jun 2023 [internet publication].Full text

Smith MT, McCrae CS, Cheung J, et al. Use of actigraphy for the evaluation of sleep disorders and circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Jul 15;14(7):1231-7.Full text  Abstract

Maski K, Trotti LM, Kotagal S, et al. Treatment of central disorders of hypersomnolence: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Sep 1;17(9):1881-93.Full text  Abstract

Bassetti CLA, Kallweit U, Vignatelli L, et al. European guideline and expert statements on the management of narcolepsy in adults and children. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Sep;28(9):2815-30.Full text  Abstract

Maski K, Trotti LM, Kotagal S, et al. Treatment of central disorders of hypersomnolence: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine systematic review, meta-analysis, and GRADE assessment. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Sep 1;17(9):1895-945.Full text  Abstract

Reference articles

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94. Bassetti CLA, Kallweit U, Vignatelli L, et al. European guideline and expert statements on the management of narcolepsy in adults and children. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Sep;28(9):2815-30.Full text  Abstract

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