Images and videos

Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis - intraoperative specimen
Nasim Ahmed, MBBS, FACS; used with permission
See this image in context in the following section/s:

Acute appendicitis
CT abdomen - thickened appendix
Nasim Ahmed, MBBS, FACS; used with permission
See this image in context in the following section/s:
- Venepuncture and phlebotomy animated demonstration
How to take a venous blood sample from the antecubital fossa using a vacuum needle.
- Peripheral venous cannulation animated demonstration
How to insert a peripheral venous cannula into the dorsum of the hand.
- Practical suturing techniques animated demonstrations
Demonstrates interrupted sutures, vertical mattress sutures, horizontal mattress sutures, continuous subcuticular sutures, and continuous sutures.
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