Reye's syndrome


Key articles

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reye syndrome: 1990 clinical case definition. 1990 [internet publication].Full text

Hurwitz ES, Nelson DB, Davis C, et al. National surveillance for Reye syndrome: a five-year review. Pediatrics. 1982 Dec;70(6):895-900. Abstract

Belay ED, Bresee JS, Holman RC, et al. Reye's syndrome in the United States from 1981 through 1997. N Engl J Med. 1999 May 6;340(18):1377-82.Full text  Abstract

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Management of children and young people with an acute decrease in conscious level. Mar 2019 [internet publication].Full text

Hardie RM, Newton LH, Bruce JC, et al. The changing clinical pattern of Reye's syndrome 1982-1990. Arch Dis Child. 1996 May;74(5):400-45. Abstract

Reference articles

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reye syndrome: 1990 clinical case definition. 1990 [internet publication].Full text

2. Hurwitz ES, Nelson DB, Davis C, et al. National surveillance for Reye syndrome: a five-year review. Pediatrics. 1982 Dec;70(6):895-900. Abstract

3. Kamienski MC. Reye syndrome. Am J Nurs. 2003;103:54-7. Abstract

4. Chang PF, Huang SF, Hwu WL, et al. Metabolic disorders mimicking Reye's syndrome. J Formos Med Assoc. 2000 Apr;99(4):295-9. Abstract

5. Belay ED, Bresee JS, Holman RC, et al. Reye's syndrome in the United States from 1981 through 1997. N Engl J Med. 1999 May 6;340(18):1377-82.Full text  Abstract

6. Schror K. Aspirin and Reye syndrome: a review of the evidence. Paediatr Drugs. 2007;9(3):195-204. Abstract

7. Fitzgerald DA. Aspirin and Reye syndrome. Paediatr Drugs. 2007;9(3):205-6. Abstract

8. Casteels-Van Daele M, Van Geet C, Wouters C, et al. Reye syndrome revisited: a descriptive term covering a group of heterogeneous disorders. Eur J Pediatr. 2000 Sep;159(9):641-8. Abstract

9. Chapman J, Arnold JK. Reye syndrome. StatPearls Publishing; 2019.Full text  Abstract

10. Khater F, Moorman JP. Complications of influenza. South Med J. 2003 Aug;96(8):740-3. Abstract

11. Hall SM, Plaster PA, Glasgow JF, et al. Preadmission antipyretics in Reye's syndrome. Arch Dis Child. 1988 Jul;63(7):857-66.Full text  Abstract

12. Guy M, Nicoll A, Lynn R. British Paediatric Surveillance Unit. 12th annual report. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health; 1998. Surveillance activities in 1997;8-10.

13. Glasgow JF. Reye's syndrome: the case for a causal link with aspirin. Drug Saf. 2006;29(12):1111-21. Abstract

14. Glasgow JF, Middleton B. Reye syndrome: insights on causation and prognosis. Arch Dis Child. 2001 Nov;85(5):351-3.Full text  Abstract

15. Dinakaran D, Sergi CM. Co-ingestion of aspirin and acetaminophen promoting fulminant liver failure: A critical review of Reye syndrome in the current perspective at the dawn of the 21st century. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2018 Feb;45(2):117-21.Full text  Abstract

16. Michaels MG. Reye syndrome. In: Long SS, ed. Principles and practice of pediatric infectious diseases. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone; 2003:320-3.

17. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Management of children and young people with an acute decrease in conscious level. Mar 2019 [internet publication].Full text

18. Coates PM. Inherited abnormalities in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. In: Walker W, ed. Pediatric gastrointestinal disease pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. 2nd ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book; 1996:1163-81.

19. Matsakis RR. Reye's syndrome. In: Hoekelman RA, ed. Primary pediatric care. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2001:1775-79.

20. The diagnosis and treatment of Reye's syndrome. Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf Summ. 1981;4(1):7. Abstract

21. Hardie RM, Newton LH, Bruce JC, et al. The changing clinical pattern of Reye's syndrome 1982-1990. Arch Dis Child. 1996 May;74(5):400-45. Abstract

22. Tein I. Disorders of fatty acid oxidation. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;113:1675-88.Full text  Abstract

23. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reye syndrome: 1990 clinical case definition. 1990 [internet publication].Full text

24. Perel P, Roberts I, Ker K. Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Aug 03;(2):CD000567.Full text  Abstract

25. Abdel-Wahab OI, Healy B, Dzik WH. Effect of fresh-frozen plasma transfusion on prothrombin time and bleeding in patients with mild coagulation abnormalities. Transfusion. 2006 Aug;46(8):1279-85. Abstract

26. AABB. Circular of information for the use of human blood and blood components. November 2013 [internet publication].Full text

27. Meekin S, McCusker C, Glasgow JF, et al. A long-term follow-up of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral sequelae to Reye's syndrome. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1999 Aug;41(8):549-53. Abstract

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