Common problems in older age are characterized by difficulties with hearing, seeing, remembering, moving, or performing daily or social activities.[1]World Health Organization. Integrated care for older people: guidelines on community-level interventions to manage declines in intrinsic capacity. 2017 [internet publication]. Preservation of function and independence is one of the goals of successful aging.[2]American Geriatrics Society white paper on healthy aging. American Geriatrics Society. 2018 [internet publication]. Functional status is measured by the ability of people to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADLs). Basic activities of daily living (BADLs) consist of self-care tasks and include feeding, bathing, dressing, using the toilet, personal hygiene, ability to transfer from bed to chair and back again, and walking.[3]Katz S, Ford AB, Moskowitz RW, et al. Studies of illness in the aged: the index of ADL, a standardized measure of biological and psychosocial function. JAMA. 1963 Sep 21;185:914-9. Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) allow a person to live independently in a community. They include the ability to use the telephone, perform housework and laundry, shop, prepare meals, manage finances, take prescribed drugs, and arrange appropriate transportation.[4]Lawton MP, Brody EM. Assessment of older people: self-maintaining and instrumental activities of daily living. Gerontologist. 1969 Autumn;9(3):179-86. More advanced ADLs include hobbies and leisure activities.
Information on functional status can be obtained during a patient interview and typically does not require a questionnaire. Screening for geriatric syndromes helps to identify risk factors for and causes of functional impairment. Identification of such syndromes and initiation of appropriate assessment and management strategies may also foster preservation of function. Several validated screening tools have been published to screen for many of these syndromes:
Delirium: Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS)
Dementia: Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, AD8, Mini-Cog
Depression: Geriatric Depression Scale, PHQ-9, Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia
Malnutrition: Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)
Pain: Verbal Pain Descriptors, Pain Thermometer, Faces Scale for Pain
Falls: the Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries (STEADI) Algorithm provides guidance on how to screen, evaluate, and intervene in persons at risk for falls.[5]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. STEADI algorithm for fall risk screening, assessment, and intervention among community-dwelling adults 65 years and older. 2019 [internet publication]. Assessment tools include: Get-Up-and-Go (timed and modified), 30-Second Chair Stand, 4-Stage Balance tests, and Functional Reach.[6]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. STEADI Timed Up & Go (TUG). 2017 [internet publication]. [7]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. STEADI 30-second chair stand. 2017 [internet publication]. [8]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. STEADI 4-Stage Balance test. 2017 [internet publication]. [9]Duncan PW, Weiner DK, Chandler J, et al. Functional reach: a new clinical measure of balance. J Gerontol. 1990 Nov;45(6):M192-7.
Functional decline in and of itself should not be considered a geriatric syndrome but rather an indicator of the negative impact that geriatric syndromes and acute/chronic medical conditions may have on an individual. Threats to functional independence arise from physical and cognitive limitations as a process of normal aging or the accumulation of chronic illness. Management of chronic illness is a key factor in preserving function. To optimize function as a result of the aging process, physical and cognitive interventions may be used when possible.[10]Palapar L, Blom JW, Wilkinson-Meyers L, et al. Preventive interventions to improve older people's health outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Gen Pract. 2024 Apr;74(741):e208-18.
Counseling patients regarding exercise and following up with them regularly has been shown to have a positive effect on mobility and helps preserve independence in community-dwelling older people.[11]Mänty M, Heinonen A, Leinonen R, et al. Long-term effect of physical activity counseling on mobility limitation among older people: a randomized controlled study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2009 Jan;64(1):83-9.
In one meta-analysis, participation in exercise was shown to increase gait speed, balance, and performance in ADLs in frail older adults.[12]Chou CH, Hwang CL, Wu YT, et al. Effect of exercise on physical function, daily living activities, and quality of life in the frail older adults: a meta-analysis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Feb;93(2):237-44.
Physical interventions include regular exercise, balance training, participation in resistance training (RT), and endurance training. Cognitive interventions include participating in leisure activities and in cognitively stimulating activities (cognitive training). Despite the focused nature of many of these activities, their benefits may overlap. For example, participating in cardiovascular physical activities may also benefit cognitive function.
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In people without known cognitive impairment, does aerobic exercise help to maintain good cognitive function?/cca.html?targetUrl=展示答案 The evidence of the effectiveness of these interventions continues to improve over time. Aside from benefits of single interventions, evidence that multicomponent interventions to preserve function and independence (in one study, specifically looking at cognitive and physical interventions to reduce risk of dementia) continue to emerge.[13]Bruderer-Hofstetter M, Rausch-Osthoff AK, Meichtry A, et al. Effective multicomponent interventions in comparison to active control and no interventions on physical capacity, cognitive function and instrumental activities of daily living in elderly people with and without mild impaired cognition - A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev. 2018 Aug;45:1-14.
[14]Crocker TF, Ensor J, Lam N, et al. Community based complex interventions to sustain independence in older people: systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ. 2024 Mar 21;384:e077764.
Given the potential benefit of preserving and optimizing the functional status of older people, risk in implementing these interventions more often than not is outweighed by the benefits. Guidelines supporting such interventions have been published.[15]National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Mental wellbeing in over 65s: occupational therapy and physical activity interventions. October 2008 [internet publication].
- Frailty
- Physical interventions
- Cognitive interventions
- Nutritional interventions
- Social interventions
- Environmental interventions
- Routine medical care
Ronan Factora, MD, FACP, AGSF
Associate Professor
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
Geriatric Medicine Fellowship Program Director
Center for Geriatric Medicine, Medicine Institute
Cleveland Clinic
RF declares that he has no competing interests.
Senthil R. Meenrajan, MD, MBA
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Florida
SRM declares that he has no competing interests.
Steven Swedlund, MD
Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
Department of Geriatrics
Boonshoft School of Medicine
Wright State University
SS declares that he has no competing interests.
Marcel Levi, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine
Academic Medical Center
University of Amsterdam
the Netherlands
ML declares that he has no competing interests.
Peter Millard, MB,BS (Hons Surg), MD, PhD, FRCP
Professor of Geriatrics (Emeritus)
St George's Hospital
University of London
PM declares that he has no competing interests.