
Recovery for AKI is variable and depends on cause of injury and the severity and duration of AKI.[166][167]

There is an independent association of AKI with a higher risk of death.[166][168]​​[169]​ In-hospital mortality rates associated with AKI vary from 6% to 80%, and there is increased long-term mortality in those with AKI surviving hospitalisation.[169]

Up to 6% of patients admitted to the intensive care unit have AKI requiring renal replacement therapy.[21][166][170] In hospital, when AKI requires dialysis, mortality exceeds 50%; those with multi-organ failure are at greatest risk.[18][21][170] Mortality rates are high due to death from underlying disease and complications, not just the AKI.

Five-year survival rates in patients with AKI requiring renal replacement therapy range from 15% to 35% (less than 10% of those patients are dialysis-dependent).[171]

AKI is irreversible in approximately 5% to 7% of adults and as many as 16% of older adult patients.[172] There is controversy as to whether prior AKI is a major risk factor leading to future chronic kidney disease, but there is increasing evidence of strong association.[173][174][175][176]

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