Key articles
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Practice bulletin no. 114: management of endometriosis. Jul 2010 [internet publication].Full text
Engeler D, Baranowski AP, Berghmans B, et al; European Association of Urology. Guidelines on chronic pelvic pain. 2023 [internet publication].Full text
Yunker A, Sathe NA, Reynolds WS, et al. Systematic review of therapies for noncyclic chronic pelvic pain in women. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2012 Jul;67(7):417-25. Abstract
Clemens JQ, Erickson DR, Varela NP, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. J Urol. 2022 Jul;208(1):34-42.Full text Abstract
Reference articles
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