Focal seizures


Key articles

Fisher RS, Cross JH, French JA, et al. Operational classification of seizure types by the International League Against Epilepsy: position paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia. 2017 Apr;58(4):522-30.Full text  Abstract

Scheffer IE, Berkovic S, Capovilla G, et al. ILAE classification of the epilepsies: position paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia. 2017 Apr;58(4):512-21.Full text  Abstract

Leone MA, Giussani G, Nevitt SJ, et al. Immediate antiepileptic drug treatment, versus placebo, deferred, or no treatment for first unprovoked seizure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 May 4;(5):CD007144.Full text  Abstract

Kanner AM, Ashman E, Gloss D, et al. Practice guideline update summary: efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs I: treatment of new-onset epilepsy. Report of the American Epilepsy Society and the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Epilepsy Curr. 2018 Jul-Aug;18(4):260-8.Full text  Abstract

Kanner AM, Ashman E, Gloss D, et al. Practice guideline update summary: efficacy and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drugs II: treatment-resistant epilepsy. Report of the American Epilepsy Society and the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Epilepsy Curr. 2018 Jul-Aug;18(4):269-78.Full text  Abstract

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Epilepsy in pregnancy (Green-top Guideline No.68). Jun 2016 (updated May 2018) [internet publication].Full text

Nevitt SJ, Sudell M, Weston J, et al. Antiepileptic drug monotherapy for epilepsy: a network meta-analysis of individual participant data. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Dec 15;(12):CD011412.Full text  Abstract

Boon P, De Cock E, Mertens A, et al. Neurostimulation for drug-resistant epilepsy: a systematic review of clinical evidence for efficacy, safety, contraindications and predictors for response. Curr Opin Neurol. 2018 Apr;31(2):198-210. Abstract

Reference articles

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2. Fisher RS, Acevedo C, Arzimanoglou A, et al. ILAE official report: a practical clinical definition of epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2014 Apr;55(4):475-82.Full text  Abstract

3. Scheffer IE, Berkovic S, Capovilla G, et al. ILAE classification of the epilepsies: position paper of the ILAE Commission for Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia. 2017 Apr;58(4):512-21.Full text  Abstract

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29. Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Predictors of epilepsy in children who have experienced febrile seizures. N Engl J Med. 1976 Nov 4;295(19):1029-33. Abstract

30. Dreier JW, Li J, Sun Y, et al. Evaluation of long-term risk of epilepsy, psychiatric disorders, and mortality among children with recurrent febrile seizures: a national cohort study in Denmark. JAMA Pediatr. 2019 Oct 7;173(12):1164-70. Abstract

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44. Szaflarski JP, Gloss D, Binder JR, et al. Practice guideline summary: use of fMRI in the presurgical evaluation of patients with epilepsy. Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2017 Jan 24;88(4):395-402.Full text  Abstract

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117. Harden CL, Meador KJ, Pennell PB, et al. Practice parameter update: management issues for women with epilepsy - focus on pregnancy (an evidence-based review): teratogenesis and perinatal outcomes. Neurology. 2009 Jul 14;73(2):133-41.Full text  Abstract

118. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy: updated advice following comprehensive safety review. Jan 2021 [internet publication].Full text

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120. European Medicines Agency. New measures to avoid valproate exposure in pregnancy endorsed. Mar 2018 [internet publication].Full text

121. Dreier JW, Bjørk MH, Alvestad S, et al. Prenatal exposure to antiseizure medication and incidence of childhood- and adolescence-onset psychiatric disorders. JAMA Neurol. 2023 Jun 1;80(6):568-77. Abstract

122. Bromley R, Adab N, Bluett-Duncan M, et al. Monotherapy treatment of epilepsy in pregnancy: congenital malformation outcomes in the child. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2023 Aug 29;8(8):CD010224.Full text  Abstract

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124. Bjørk MH, Zoega H, Leinonen MK, et al. Association of prenatal exposure to antiseizure medication with risk of autism and intellectual disability. JAMA Neurol. 2022 Jul 1;79(7):672-81.Full text  Abstract

125. European Medicines Agency. ​New measures to avoid topiramate exposure in pregnancy. Oct 2023 [internet publication].Full text

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