Last reviewed: 13 Feb 2025
Last updated: 11 Mar 2025
History and exam
Key diagnostic factors
- rapid onset of illness and rapid deterioration
- fever
- leg pain
- seizures
- neck pain and stiffness
- paresis
- headache
- photophobia
- altered mental status
- altered consciousness
- focal neurological deficit including cranial nerve involvement and abnormal pupils
- hypotension
- shock
- toxic/moribund state
- pallor or mottled skin
- rash
- cold hands and feet
- hypotonia
- high-pitched cry
- Kernig sign
- Brudzinski sign
- bulging fontanel
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Other diagnostic factors
- irritability
- lethargy
- muscle ache/joint pain
- poor appetite or feeding
- nausea or vomiting
- thirst
- coryza, sore throat, or cough
- respiratory distress
- tachycardia
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Risk factors
- young age
- complement deficiency
- use of eculizumab and ravulizumab
- immunoglobulin deficiency
- HIV infection
- asplenia or hyposplenia
- college attendance
- close contact with invasive meningococcal infection
- household crowding
- travel to a hyperendemic or epidemic area
- laboratory workers
- tobacco smoke exposure
- recent move into a new community
- respiratory infection
- visiting bars/clubs
- kissing
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Diagnostic tests
1st tests to order
- blood cultures
- CBC and differential
- electrolytes, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, glucose
- coagulation profile (prothrombin time, INR, activated PTT, fibrinogen, fibrin degradation products)
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Tests to consider
- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Gram stain
- CSF cell count and differential
- CSF glucose, protein
- CSF culture
- antigen detection in CSF
- chest x-ray
- CT head
- Gram stain of non-CSF body fluid
- culture of non-CSF body fluid
- immunohistochemical staining of skin lesion biopsy
- echocardiography
- joint x-ray
- polymerase chain reaction
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Treatment algorithm
suspected meningitis
suspected meningococcal bacteremia
confirmed meningococcal meningitis
confirmed meningococcal bacteremia
Elisabeth Adderson, MD

Associate Member
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
EA declares that she has no competing interests.
Peer reviewers
Richard T. Ellison III, MD
Professor of Medicine, Microbiology & Physiological Systems
UMass Chan Medical School
RE declares that he has no competing interests.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae sepsis
- Staphylococcus aureus sepsis
- Streptococcus pyogenes sepsis
More DifferentialsGuidelines
- Meningitis (bacterial) and meningococcal disease: recognition, diagnosis and management
- Management of suspected and confirmed bacterial meningitis in Canadian children older than 2 months of age
More GuidelinesPatient information
Meningitis and septicemia
MenB (meningococcal group B) vaccine
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