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Last reviewed: 12 Feb 2025
Last updated: 12 Sep 2023



History and exam

Key diagnostic factors

  • blood at one nostril or on both sides of nose
  • presence of risk factors
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Other diagnostic factors

  • bleeding starting at the nares
  • recurrent epistaxis
  • septal deviation
  • bleeding starting in the throat
  • signs of haemodynamic compromise
  • intranasal polyp
  • telangiectasia
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Risk factors

  • dry weather and low humidity
  • septal deviation
  • minor nasal trauma
  • nasal foreign body
  • nasal polyp
  • topical nasal drugs
  • primary coagulopathy (e.g., haemophilia)
  • medication (e.g., aspirin, anticoagulant, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • familial hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
  • juvenile nasal angiofibroma
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Diagnostic investigations

1st investigations to order

  • clinical diagnosis
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Investigations to consider

  • FBC and ‘group and save
  • clotting studies (INR, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, platelet function tests)
  • urea and electrolytes and serum creatinine
  • liver function tests (LFTs)
  • CT scan of paranasal sinuses
  • ECG
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Treatment algorithm


active epistaxis: major haemorrhage

active epistaxis: no major haemorrhage


persistent epistaxis despite initial measures


epistaxis resolved

recurrent epistaxis


Expert advisers

Alexander Alexiou, MB, BS, BSc, DCH, FRCEM, DipIMC RSEd

Emergency Medicine Consultant

Barts Health NHS Trust

Physician Response Unit Consultant

London’s Air Ambulance

Royal London Hospital




AA declares that he has no competing interests.


BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge the previous expert contributor, whose work has been retained in parts of the content:

Darren Pinder, BSc(Hons), MB BChir, MSc(Med Ed), FRCS(ORL)

Consultant ENT Surgeon

Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust Bath



DP declares that he has no competing interests.

Peer reviewers

Darren Pinder, BSc(Hons), MB BChir, MSc(Med Ed), FRCS(ORL)

Consultant ENT Surgeon

Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust




DP declares that he has no competing interests.


Susan Mayor

Lead Section Editor, BMJ Best Practice


SM works as a freelance medical journalist and editor, video editorial director and presenter, and communications trainer. In this capacity, she has been paid, and continues to be paid, by a wide range of organisations for providing these skills on a professional basis. These include: NHS organisations, including the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NHS Choices, NHS Kidney Care, and others; publishers and medical education companies, including the BMJ Group, the Lancet group, Medscape, and others; professional organisations, including the British Thoracic Oncology Group, the European Society for Medical Oncology, the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death, and others; charities and patients’ organisations, including the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and others; pharmaceutical companies, including Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, and others; and communications agencies, including Publicis, Red Healthcare and others. She has no stock options or shares in any pharmaceutical or healthcare companies; however, she invests in a personal pension, which may invest in these types of companies. She is managing director of Susan Mayor Limited, the company name under which she provides medical writing and communications services.

Celia Pincus

Section Editor, BMJ Best Practice


CP declares that she has no competing interests.

Jo Haynes

Head of Editorial, BMJ Knowledge Centre


JH declares that she has no competing interests.

Rachel Wheeler

Lead Section Editor, BMJ Best Practice


RW declares that she has no competing interests.

Julie Costello

Comorbidities Editor, BMJ Best Practice


JC declares that she has no competing interests.

Adam Mitchell

Drug Editor, BMJ Best Practice


AM declares that he has no competing interests.

  • Epistaxis images
  • Differentials

    • Haemoptysis
    • Haematemesis
    More Differentials
  • Guidelines

    • Guideline for management of idiopathic epistaxis in adults
    • British Rhinological Society multidisciplinary consensus recommendations on the hospital management of epistaxis
    More Guidelines
  • Videos

    Insertion of an anterior nasal pack

    More videos
  • Patient information

    Nosebleeds in children

    Nosebleeds (epistaxis) in adults

    More Patient information
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