Key articles
Riccardi VM. Neurofibromatosis: phenotype, natural history and pathogenesis. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1992.
National Institutes of Health consensus development conference statement. Bethesda, MD, July 13-15, 1987. Neurofibromatosis. 1988;1(3):172-8.Full text Abstract
Mulvihill JJ, Parry DM, Sherman JL, et al. Neurofibromatosis 1 (Recklinghausen disease) and neurofibromatosis 2 (bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis): an update. Ann Intern Med. 1990 Jul 1;113(1):39-52. Abstract
Riccardi VM. Neurofibromatosis: phenotype, natural history and pathogenesis. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1992.
Rodrigues LO, Batista PB, Goloni-Bertollo EM, et al. Neurofibromatoses: part 1 - diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2014 Mar;72(3):241-50. Abstract
Riccardi VM. Neurofibromatosis: phenotype, natural history and pathogenesis. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1992.
Messiaen LM, Callens T, Mortier G, et al. Exhaustive mutation analysis of the NF1 gene allows identification of 95% of mutations and reveals a high frequency of unusual splicing defects. Hum Mutat. 2000;15(6):541-55. Abstract
National Institutes of Health consensus development conference statement. Bethesda, MD, July 13-15, 1987. Neurofibromatosis. 1988;1(3):172-8.Full text Abstract
Listernick R, Ferner RE, Liu GT, et al. Optic pathway gliomas in neurofibromatosis-1: controversies and recommendations. Ann Neurol. 2007 Mar;61(3):189-98. Abstract
Lammert M, Friedman JM, Kluwe L, et al. Prevalence of neurofibromatosis 1 in German children at elementary school enrollment. Arch Dermatol. 2005;141:71-4.Full text Abstract
Evans DG, Baser ME, McGaughran J, et al. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours in neurofibromatosis 1. J Med Genet. 2002 May;39(5):311-4. Abstract
Reference articles
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3. Mulvihill JJ, Parry DM, Sherman JL, et al. Neurofibromatosis 1 (Recklinghausen disease) and neurofibromatosis 2 (bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis): an update. Ann Intern Med. 1990 Jul 1;113(1):39-52. Abstract
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