Non-allergic rhinitis


Key articles

Nassef M, Shapiro G, Casale TB. Identifying and managing rhinitis and its subtypes: allergic and non-allergic components - a consensus report and materials from the Respiratory Allergic Disease Foundation. Curr Med Res Opin. 2006 Dec;22(12):2541-8. Abstract

Dykewicz MS, Wallace DV, Amrol DJ, et al. Rhinitis 2020: a practice parameter update. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Oct;146(4):721-67.Full text  Abstract

Bernstein JA, Levin LS, Al-Shuik E, et al. Clinical characteristics of chronic rhinitis patients with high vs low irritant trigger burdens. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012 Sep;109(3):173-8. Abstract

Sur DKC, Plesa ML. Chronic nonallergic rhinitis. Am Fam Physician. 2018 Aug 1;98(3):171-6.Full text  Abstract

Reference articles

1. Kaliner MA, Baraniuk JN, Benninger M, et al. Consensus definition of nonallergic rhinopathy, previously referred to as vasomotor rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis, and/or idiopathic rhinitis. World Allergy Organ J. 2009 Jun 15;2(6):119-20.Full text  Abstract

2. Nassef M, Shapiro G, Casale TB. Identifying and managing rhinitis and its subtypes: allergic and non-allergic components - a consensus report and materials from the Respiratory Allergic Disease Foundation. Curr Med Res Opin. 2006 Dec;22(12):2541-8. Abstract

3. Dykewicz MS, Wallace DV, Amrol DJ, et al. Rhinitis 2020: a practice parameter update. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Oct;146(4):721-67.Full text  Abstract

4. Scadding GK, Kariyawasam HH, Scadding G, et al. BSACI guideline for the diagnosis and management of allergic and non-allergic rhinitis (revised edition 2017; first edition 2007). Clin Exp Allergy. 2017 Jul;47(7):856-89.Full text  Abstract

5. Settipane RA. Demographics and epidemiology of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2001 Jul-Aug;22(4):185-9. Abstract

6. Settipane RA, Lieberman P. Update on nonallergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2001;86:494-508. Abstract

7. Baraniuk JN, Kaliner MA. Neuropeptides and nasal secretion. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1990 Oct;86(4 Pt 2):620-7. Abstract

8. Garay R. Mechanisms of vasomotor rhinitis. Allergy. 2004;59 Suppl 76:4-9; discussion 9-10. Abstract

9. Brandt D, Bernstein JA. Questionnaire evaluation and risk factor identification for nonallergic vasomotor rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006 Apr;96(4):526-32. Abstract

10. Bernstein JA, Singh U. Neural abnormalities in nonallergic rhinitis. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015 Apr;15(4):18. Abstract

11. Bernstein JA, Hastings L, Boespflug EL, et al. Alteration of brain activation patterns in nonallergic rhinitis patients using functional magnetic resonance imaging before and after treatment with intranasal azelastine. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011 Jun;106(6):527-32. Abstract

12. Bernstein JA, Davis BP, Picard JK, et al. A randomized, double-blind, parallel trial comparing capsaicin nasal spray with placebo in subjects with a significant component of nonallergic rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011 Aug;107(2):171-8. Abstract

13. Singh U, Bernstein JA. Intranasal capsaicin in management of nonallergic (vasomotor) rhinitis. Prog Drug Res. 2014;68:147-70. Abstract

14. Singh U, Bernstein JA, Haar L, et al. Azelastine desensitization of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1: a potential mechanism explaining its therapeutic effect in nonallergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2014 May-Jun;28(3):215-24. Abstract

15. Powe DG, Huskisson RS, Carney AS, et al. Mucosal T-cell phenotypes in persistent atopic and nonatopic rhinitis show an association with mast cells. Allergy. 2004 Feb;59(2):204-12. Abstract

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18. Bernstein JA, Levin LS, Al-Shuik E, et al. Clinical characteristics of chronic rhinitis patients with high vs low irritant trigger burdens. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012 Sep;109(3):173-8. Abstract

19. Meltzer EO, Orgel HA, Rogenes PR, et al. Nasal cytology in patients with allergic rhinitis: effects of intranasal fluticasone propionate. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1994 Oct;94(4):708-15. Abstract

20. Bernstein JA, Salapatek AM, Lee JS, et al. Provocation of nonallergic rhinitis subjects in response to simulated weather conditions using an environmental exposure chamber model. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012 Jul-Aug;33(4):333-40. Abstract

21. Meltzer EO, Nathan RA, Derebery J, et al. Physician perceptions of the treatment and management of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2009 Jan-Feb;30(1):75-83. Abstract

22. Campo P, Rondón C, Gould HJ, et al. Local IgE in non-allergic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy. 2015 May;45(5):872-81. Abstract

23. Hellings PW, Klimek L, Cingi C, et al. Non-allergic rhinitis: position paper of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy. 2017 Nov 7;72(11):1657-65.Full text  Abstract

24. Banov CH, Lieberman P, Vasomotor Rhinitis Study Groups. Efficacy of azelastine nasal spray in the treatment of vasomotor (perennial nonallergic) rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2001 Jan;86(1):28-35. Abstract

25. Ciprandi G. Treatment of nonallergic perennial rhinitis. Allergy. 2004;59 Suppl 76:16-22; discussion 22-3. Abstract

26. Bernstein JA. Azelastine hydrochloride: a review of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy and tolerability. Curr Med Res Opin. 2007 Oct;23(10):2441-52. Abstract

27. Kaliner MA. A novel and effective approach to treating rhinitis with nasal antihistamines. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2007 Nov;99(5):383-90; quiz 391-2, 418. Abstract

28. Dockhorn R, Aronson D, Bronsky E, et al. Ipratropium bromide nasal spray 0.03% and beclomethasone nasal spray alone and in combination for the treatment of rhinorrhea in perennial rhinitis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1999 Apr;82(4):349-59. Abstract

29. Scadding GK, Lund VJ, Jacques LA, et al. A placebo-controlled study of fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray and beclomethasone dipropionate in perennial rhinitis: efficacy in allergic and non-allergic perennial rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy. 1995 Aug;25(8):737-43. Abstract

30. Swierczynska M, Strek P, Skladzien J, et al. Nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome: state of knowledge. Otolaryngol Pol. 2003;57(1):81-4. Abstract

31. Meltzer EO. The pharmacological basis for the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis with topical corticosteroids. Allergy. 1997;52(36 Suppl):33-40. Abstract

32. Balle VH, Pedersen U, Engby B. Allergic perennial and non-allergic, vasomotor rhinitis treated with budesonide nasal spray. Rhinology. 1980 Sep;18(3):135-42. Abstract

33. Lundblad L, Sipilä P, Farstad T, et al. Mometasone furoate nasal spray in the treatment of perennial non-allergic rhinitis: a nordic, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Acta Otolaryngol. 2001 Jun;121(4):505-9. Abstract

34. Sandhu AS, Temple RH, Timms MS. Partial laser turbinectomy: two year outcomes in patients with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis. Rhinology. 2004 Jun;42(2):81-4. Abstract

35. Mladina R, Risavi R, Subaric M. CO2 laser anterior turbinectomy in the treatment of non-allergic vasomotor rhinopathia. A prospective study upon 78 patients. Rhinology. 1991 Dec;29(4):267-71. Abstract

36. Vaidyanathan S, Williamson P, Clearie K, et al. Fluticasone reverses oxymetazoline-induced tachyphylaxis of response and rebound congestion. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Jul 1;182(1):19-24.Full text  Abstract

37. Baroody FM, Brown D, Gavanescu L, et al. Oxymetazoline adds to the effectiveness of fluticasone furoate in the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Apr;127(4):927-34.Full text  Abstract

38. Bronsky EA, Druce H, Findlay SR, et al. A clinical trial of ipratropium bromide nasal spray in patients with perennial nonallergic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1995 May;95(5 pt 2):1117-22. Abstract

39. Sur DKC, Plesa ML. Chronic nonallergic rhinitis. Am Fam Physician. 2018 Aug 1;98(3):171-6.Full text  Abstract

40. Spector SL. The placebo effect is nothing to sneeze at. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1992 Dec;90(6 Pt 2):1042-3. Abstract

41. LaForce CF, Corren J, Wheeler WJ, et al. Efficacy of azelastine nasal spray in seasonal allergic rhinitis patients who remain symptomatic after treatment with fexofenadine. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2004 Aug;93(2):154-9. Abstract

42. Berger WE, White MV. Efficacy of azelastine nasal spray in patients with an unsatisfactory response to loratadine. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2003 Aug;91(2):205-11. Abstract

43. Gevorgyan A, Segboer C, Gorissen R, et al. Capsaicin for non-allergic rhinitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jul 14;(7):CD010591.Full text  Abstract

44. Van Gerven L, Alpizar YA, Wouters MM, et al. Capsaicin treatment reduces nasal hyperreactivity and transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V, receptor 1 (TRPV1) overexpression in patients with idiopathic rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 May;133(5):1332-9, 1339. Abstract

45. Rinzin K, Hoang MP, Seresirikachorn K, et al. Botulinum toxin for chronic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2021 Nov;11(11):1538-48. Abstract

46. Mansour OI, Hamdy TA, Abdelhamid AN, et al. ​Role of botulinum toxin injection in non allergic non infectious chronic rhinosinusitis (a systematic review). QJM. 2020 Mar;113 (Suppl).Full text

47. Juto JE, Axelsson M. Kinetic oscillation stimulation as treatment of non-allergic rhinitis: an RCT study. Acta Otolaryngol. 2014 May;134(5):506-12.Full text  Abstract

48. Deenadayal DS, Kumar MN, Sudhakshin P, et al. Radiofrequency reduction of inferior turbinates in allergic and non allergic rhinitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Jan;66(Suppl 1):231-6. Abstract

49. Petersen NB, Larsen K. Kinetic oscillation stimulation of nasal mucosa as treatment for non-allergic rhinitis. a pilot study. Acta Otolaryngol. 2021 Jan;3(1).Full text

50. Stolovitzky JP, Ow RA, Silvers SL, et al. Effect of radiofrequency neurolysis on the symptoms of chronic rhinitis: a randomized controlled trial. OTO Open. 2021 Jul-Sep;5(3).Full text  Abstract

51. Moscato G, Vandenplas O, Van Wijk RG, et al. EAACI position paper on occupational rhinitis. Respir Res. Moscato G, Vandenplas O, Van Wijk RG, et al. EAACI position paper on occupational rhinitis. Respir Res. 2009 Mar 3;10:16.Full text  Abstract

52. Schreiber CP, Hutchinson S, Webster CJ, et al. Prevalence of migraine in patients with a history of self-reported or physician-diagnosed "sinus" headache. Arch Intern Med. 2004 Sep 13;164(16):1769-72. Abstract

53. Bernstein JA, Fox RW, Martin VT, et al. Headache and facial pain: differential diagnosis and treatment. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2013 May-Jun;1(3):242-51. Abstract

54. Martin VT, Fanning KM, Serrano D, et al. Chronic rhinitis and its association with headache frequency and disability in persons with migraine: results of the American Migraine Prevalence and Prevention (AMPP) Study. Cephalalgia. 2014 Apr;34(5):336-48. Abstract

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