Discogenic low back pain


Key articles

Kreiner DS, Hwang SW, Easa JE, et al. An evidence-based clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy. Spine J. 2014 Jan;14(1):180-91. Abstract

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s: assessment and management. Dec 2020 [internet publication].Full text

Expert Panel on Neurological Imaging, Hutchins TA, Peckham M, et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Low Back Pain: 2021 Update. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 Nov;18(11s):S361-S379.Full text  Abstract

Modic MT, Steinberg PM, Ross JS, et al. Degenerative disk disease: assessment of changes in vertebral body marrow with MR imaging. Radiology. 1988 Jan;166(1 Pt 1):193-9. Abstract

Pfirrmann CW, Metzdorf A, Zanetti M, et al. Magnetic resonance classification of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2001 Sep 1;26(17):1873-8. Abstract

Kirkaldy-Willis WH, Farfan HF. Instability of the lumbar spine. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1982 May;(165):110-23. Abstract

Reference articles

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126. Luijsterburg PA, Verhagen AP, Ostelo RW, et al. Effectiveness of conservative treatments for the lumbosacral radicular syndrome: a systematic review. Eur Spin J. 2007 Jul;16(7):881-99.Full text  Abstract

127. Saper RB, Lemaster C, Delitto A, et al. Yoga, physical therapy, or education for chronic low back pain: a randomized noninferiority trial. Ann Intern Med. 2017 Jul 18;167(2):85-94. Abstract

128. Parr AT, Manchikanti L, Hameed H, et al. Caudal epidural injections in the management of chronic low back pain: a systematic appraisal of the literature. Pain Physician. 2012 May-Jun;15(3):E159-98. Abstract

129. Benyamin RM, Manchikanti L, Parr AT, et al. The effectiveness of lumbar interlaminar epidural injections in managing chronic low back and lower extremity pain. Pain Physician. 2012 Jul-Aug;15(4):E363-404. Abstract

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