

Key articles

Skalet AH, Gombos DS, Gallie BL, et al. Screening children at risk for retinoblastoma: consensus report from the American Association of Ophthalmic Oncologists and Pathologists. Ophthalmology. 2018 Mar;125(3):453-8.Full text  Abstract

de Graaf P, Goricke S, Rodjan F, et al. Guidelines for imaging retinoblastoma: imaging principles and MRI standardization. Pediatr Radiol. 2012 Jan;42(1):2-14.Full text  Abstract

American College of Radiology. ACR appropriateness criteria: orbits, vision and visual loss. 2017 [internet publication].Full text  Abstract

Kamihara J, Bourdeaut F, Foulkes WD, et al. Retinoblastoma and neuroblastoma predisposition and surveillance. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Jul 1;23(13):e98-e106.Full text  Abstract

Hutchinson AK, Morse CL, Hercinovic A, et al. Pediatric eye evaluations preferred practice pattern. Ophthalmology. 2023 Mar;130(3):P222-70.Full text  Abstract

Gobin YP, Dunkel IJ, Marr BP, et al. Intra-arterial chemotherapy for the management of retinoblastoma: four-year experience. Arch Ophthalmol. 2011 Jun;129(6):732-7. Abstract

Reference articles

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30. Hutchinson AK, Morse CL, Hercinovic A, et al. Pediatric eye evaluations preferred practice pattern. Ophthalmology. 2023 Mar;130(3):P222-70.Full text  Abstract

31. Gerrish A, Bowns B, Mashayamombe-Wolfgarten C, et al. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of retinoblastoma inheritance by combined targeted sequencing strategies. J Clin Med. 2020 Oct 30;9(11):3517.Full text  Abstract

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60. Gobin YP, Dunkel IJ, Marr BP, et al. Intra-arterial chemotherapy for the management of retinoblastoma: four-year experience. Arch Ophthalmol. 2011 Jun;129(6):732-7. Abstract

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68. Silva RA, Dubovy SR, Hess D, et al. Hemorrhage as a sign of treatment failure after intra-arterial chemotherapy in retinoblastoma. J AAPOS. 2015 Jun;19(3):268-70. Abstract

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