Anatomical penile abnormalities


Key articles

European Association of Urology; European Society for Paediatric Urology. EAU guidelines on paediatric urology. Apr 2024 [internet publication].Full text

Dave S, Afshar K, Braga LH, et al. Canadian Urological Association guideline on the care of the normal foreskin and neonatal circumcision in Canadian infants (full version). Can Urol Assoc J. 2018 Feb;12(2):E76-99.Full text  Abstract

​British Association of Paediatric Surgeons. Management of foreskin conditions. Jun 2006 [internet publication].Full text

Reference articles

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64. Godlewski KF, Mittal S, Hyacinthe N, et al. Does preoperative testosterone administration decrease complications in distal hypospadias repair with urethroplasty? J Urol. 2023 Aug;210(2):352-9. Abstract

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