Peak flow measurement animated demonstration
How to use a peak flow meter to obtain a peak expiratory flow measurement.
Equipment needed
Apply a new disposable mouthpiece and filter if multiple patients use one device.
Check that the patient has a baseline peak expiratory flow (PEF). Obtain this either from their medical records - a personal best recorded within the last two years - or, if they have not measured their PEF within the last two years, calculate it from a predicted PEF chart. In the case of the latter, note the patient’s age, sex, and height.
As with any procedure, clinicians should not perform measurement of the PEF where there is lack of consent or understanding by the patient. PEF measurement is safe and non-invasive, but its accuracy depends on expiratory effort from the patient. Therefore, it may be unsuitable or impractical for young children and patients who are confused.
PEF provides a measure of airflow obstruction and may be indicated in the diagnosis and management of asthma.
PEF measurement should be performed in:[65]
Patients presenting with an acute asthma attack. Measurement of the PEF helps to gauge the severity of the attack and inform management
PEF measurement should be considered in:[66] [67]
Developing a personalised action plan for adults with asthma. The plan may also be symptom-based
Adults with a possible diagnosis of asthma. PEF to measure airflow variability may be used to corroborate a history of recurrent episodic symptoms. Multiple measurements are made over at least two weeks; increased variability may be evident from twice-daily readings.
Patients with suspected occupational asthma. Serial PEF readings are taken four times per day, both at work and away from work.