BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities Manager 

One in three adults suffers from multiple chronic conditions in Canada.  That figure doubles with advancing age groups.*

When you see a patient with an acute condition, do you have the relevant information available to treat their pre-existing comorbidities as well?

BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities is the only point of care tool that can help you confidently treat the whole patient. The manager prompts you to consider the patient’s comorbidities when accessing treatment information and quickly provide you with an initial management plan that is tailored to the unique needs of the patient.

Take a look at how the treatment recommendations for COVID-19 or COPD will change dependent on your patient's comorbidities:


Acute Exacerbation of COPD 


What about other conditions with comorbidities?

Covering a range of conditions including diabetes, asthma, depression, and more, the Comorbidities Manager is available for purchase by your institution. 

To find out whether your institution has access or would like to consider a subscription, email:


Please note that BMJ Best Practice is not available in the United States.


*Health Council of Canada Healthcare Quarterly 11(3) May 2008 : 70-76.doi:10.12927/hcq.2008.19859