BMJ Learning has two interactive online modules on understanding statistics using practical examples to work through to help with your learning.

BMJ Learning provides high-quality CME/CPD and postgraduate training for doctors and other healthcare professionals. It features hundreds of accredited, peer-reviewed learning modules in text, video, and audio formats.

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The statistics modules include:

Understanding statistics 1: presenting data from clinical trials

After completing this module you should:

  • Understand that the same results from a trial can be presented in different ways
  • Appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of using ratios and differences to describe trial results
  • Know how to calculate the number needed to treat (NNT) from a trial
  • Know how to use the baseline risk and relative risk to find out what difference a treatment might make for an individual.

Understanding statistics 2: what is statistical uncertainty?

After completing this module you should:

  • Appreciate that results of trials have a direction, size, and statistical uncertainty
  • Understand the information provided by confidence intervals and exact P values
  • Know how to interpret confidence intervals
  • Appreciate when there is an important difference between the treatment and control arms of a trial.

Content created by BMJ Knowledge Centre

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